// // Tests valid cases for creation of 2dsphere index // var coll = db.getCollection("twodspherevalid"); // Valid index coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere", other: 1})); // Valid index coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere", other: 1, geo2: "2dsphere"})); // Invalid index, using hash with 2dsphere coll.drop(); assert.commandFailed(coll.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere", other: "hash"})); // Invalid index, using 2d with 2dsphere coll.drop(); assert.commandFailed(coll.ensureIndex({geo: "2dsphere", other: "2d"})); jsTest.log("Success!"); // Ensure the empty collection is gone, so that small_oplog passes. coll.drop();