// @tags: [ // requires_non_retryable_writes, // ] // Additional checks for geo uniqueDocs and includeLocs SERVER-3139. // SERVER-12120 uniqueDocs is deprecated. // Server always returns results with implied uniqueDocs=true (function() { 'use strict'; const collNamePrefix = 'jstests_geo_uniqueDocs2_'; let collCount = 0; let t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({loc: [[20, 30], [40, 50]]}); t.createIndex({loc: '2d'}); // Check exact matches of different locations. assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: [20, 30]})); assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: [40, 50]})); // Check behavior for $near, where $uniqueDocs mode is unavailable. assert.eq([t.findOne()], t.find({loc: {$near: [50, 50]}}).toArray()); // Check correct number of matches for $within / $uniqueDocs. // uniqueDocs ignored - does not affect results. assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 40]}}})); assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 40], $uniqueDocs: true}}})); assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 40], $uniqueDocs: false}}})); // For $within / $uniqueDocs, limit applies to docs. assert.eq( 1, t.find({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 40], $uniqueDocs: false}}}).limit(1).itcount()); // Now check a circle only containing one of the locs. assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 10]}}})); assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 10], $uniqueDocs: true}}})); assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[30, 30], 10], $uniqueDocs: false}}})); // Check number and character of results with geoNear / uniqueDocs / includeLocs. const notUniqueNotInclude = t.aggregate({$geoNear: {near: [50, 50], distanceField: "dis", uniqueDocs: false}}).toArray(); const uniqueNotInclude = t.aggregate({$geoNear: {near: [50, 50], distanceField: "dis", uniqueDocs: true}}).toArray(); const notUniqueInclude = t.aggregate({ $geoNear: { near: [50, 50], distanceField: "dis", uniqueDocs: false, includeLocs: "point", } }).toArray(); const uniqueInclude = t.aggregate({ $geoNear: { near: [50, 50], distanceField: "dis", uniqueDocs: true, includeLocs: "point", } }).toArray(); // Check that only unique results are returned, regardless of the value of "uniqueDocs" parameter. assert.eq(1, notUniqueNotInclude.length); assert.eq(1, uniqueNotInclude.length); assert.eq(1, notUniqueInclude.length); assert.eq(1, uniqueInclude.length); // Check that locs are included. assert(!notUniqueNotInclude[0].point); assert(!uniqueNotInclude[0].point); assert(notUniqueInclude[0].point); assert(uniqueInclude[0].point); // Check locs returned in includeLocs mode. t.remove({}); const objLocs = [{x: 20, y: 30, z: ['loc1', 'loca']}, {x: 40, y: 50, z: ['loc2', 'locb']}]; t.save({loc: objLocs}); let results = t.aggregate({ $geoNear: { near: [50, 50], distanceField: "dis", uniqueDocs: false, includeLocs: "point", } }).toArray(); assert.contains(results[0].point, objLocs); // Check locs returned in includeLocs mode, where locs are arrays. t.remove({}); const arrLocs = [[20, 30], [40, 50]]; t.save({loc: arrLocs}); results = t.aggregate({ $geoNear: { near: [50, 50], distanceField: "dis", uniqueDocs: false, includeLocs: "point", } }).toArray(); // The original loc arrays are returned as objects. const expectedLocs = arrLocs; assert.contains(results[0].point, expectedLocs); // Test a large number of locations in the array. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); const arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) { arr.push([10, 10]); } arr.push([100, 100]); t.save({loc: arr}); t.createIndex({loc: '2d'}); assert.eq(1, t.count({loc: {$within: {$center: [[99, 99], 5]}}})); })();