/** * Use _hashBSONElement to test that our hash function never changes. This test hard codes the hash * result for various inputs. For compatibility, these hardcoded values should never change over * time or across architectures. This is a good place to put tests for any edge cases in the hash * function that might be prone to change because of code changes or because of differences between * architectures. * @tags: [ * no_selinux, * ] */ (function() { 'use strict'; const hashOfMaxNumberLong = NumberLong("1136124329541638701"); const hashOfLowestNumberLong = NumberLong("5744114172487291558"); const hashOfZeroNumberLong = NumberLong("5574369198691456941"); const hashTests = [ // Hash value of a string. {key: "hashthis", expected: NumberLong("6271151123721111923")}, // The smallest positive double that overflows a 64-bit signed int. This is a special case, // as described in SERVER-37183. {key: Math.pow(2, 63), expected: hashOfLowestNumberLong}, // The next biggest number. Large doubles get clamped to the max 64-bit signed value before // being hashed. {key: Math.pow(2, 63) + Math.pow(2, 11), expected: hashOfMaxNumberLong}, // Really large numbers and positive infinity also get clamped to the same value. {key: Math.pow(2, 500), expected: hashOfMaxNumberLong}, {key: Infinity, expected: hashOfMaxNumberLong}, // Just under the largest double that overflows a 64-bit signed int. This value gets // converted to a signed 64-bit int and then hashed. {key: Math.pow(2, 63) - Math.pow(2, 10), expected: NumberLong("-3954856262017896439")}, // Lowest negative double that does not overflow a 64-bit signed int. {key: -Math.pow(2, 63), expected: hashOfLowestNumberLong}, // Just above the lowest negative double that does not overflow a 64-bit signed int. {key: -(Math.pow(2, 63) - Math.pow(2, 10)), expected: NumberLong("-1762411739488908479")}, // A negative overflowing double gets clamped to -2^63 before being hashed. {key: -(Math.pow(2, 63) + Math.pow(2, 11)), expected: hashOfLowestNumberLong}, {key: -Infinity, expected: hashOfLowestNumberLong}, // NaN values get converted to 0 and then hashed. {key: 0, expected: hashOfZeroNumberLong}, {key: NumberLong("0"), expected: hashOfZeroNumberLong}, {key: NaN, expected: hashOfZeroNumberLong}, {key: -NaN, expected: hashOfZeroNumberLong}, // Hash an object. {key: {a: 1, b: 2}, expected: NumberLong("-7076810813311352857")}, // Hash an object with some corner-case values. {key: {a: Math.pow(2, 63), b: NaN}, expected: NumberLong("1223292051903137684")}, ]; hashTests.forEach(test => { const hashResult = db.runCommand({_hashBSONElement: test.key, seed: 1}); assert.commandWorked(hashResult); assert.eq(test.expected, hashResult.out, tojson(test.key)); }); })();