// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of extra shard key index in sharded // collection. // @tags: [assumes_no_implicit_index_creation] // index4.js t = db.index4; t.drop(); t.save({name: "alleyinsider", instances: [{pool: "prod1"}, {pool: "dev1"}]}); t.save({name: "clusterstock", instances: [{pool: "dev1"}]}); // this should fail, not allowed -- we confirm that. t.ensureIndex({instances: {pool: 1}}); assert.eq(1, t.getIndexes().length, "no indexes other than _id should be here yet"); t.ensureIndex({"instances.pool": 1}); sleep(10); a = t.find({instances: {pool: "prod1"}}); assert(a.length() == 1, "len1"); assert(a[0].name == "alleyinsider", "alley"); assert(t.validate().valid, "valid");