NUM = 20; M = 5; t = db.jstests_arr2; function test(withIndex) { t.drop(); // insert a bunch of items to force queries to use the index. newObject = {_id: 1, a: [{b: {c: 1}}]}; now = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000; for (created = now - NUM; created <= now; created++) { newObject['created'] = created; t.insert(newObject); newObject['_id']++; } // change the last M items. query = {'created': {'$gte': now - M}}; Z = t.find(query).count(); if (withIndex) { // t.ensureIndex( { 'a.b.c' : 1, 'created' : -1 } ) // t.ensureIndex( { created : -1 } ) t.ensureIndex({'a.b.c': 1}, {name: "x"}); } var res = t.update(query, {'$set': {"a.0.b.c": 0}}, false, true); assert.eq(Z, res.nMatched, "num updated withIndex:" + withIndex); // now see how many were actually updated. query['a.b.c'] = 0; count = t.count(query); assert.eq(Z, count, "count after withIndex:" + withIndex); } test(false); test(true);