// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because queries on a sharded collection are not // able to be covered when they aren't on the shard key since the document needs to be fetched in // order to apply the SHARDING_FILTER stage. // @tags: [ // assumes_unsharded_collection, // ] // Test indexing of decimal numbers (function() { 'use strict'; // Include helpers for analyzing explain output. load('jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js'); var t = db.decimal_indexing; t.drop(); // Create doubles and NumberDecimals. The double 0.1 is actually 0.10000000000000000555 // and the double 0.3 is actually 0.2999999999999999888, so we can check ordering. assert.commandWorked(t.insert({x: 0.1, y: NumberDecimal('0.3000')})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({x: 0.1})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({y: 0.3})); // Create an index on existing numbers. assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({x: 1})); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({y: -1})); // Insert some more items after index creation. Use _id for decimal. assert.commandWorked(t.insert({x: NumberDecimal('0.10')})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({_id: NumberDecimal('0E3')})); assert.writeError(t.insert({_id: -0.0})); // Check that we return exactly the right document, use an index to do so, and that the // result of the covered query has the right number of trailing zeros. var qres = t.find({x: NumberDecimal('0.1')}, {_id: 0, x: 1}).toArray(); var qplan = t.find({x: NumberDecimal('0.1')}, {_id: 0, x: 1}).explain(); assert.neq(tojson(NumberDecimal('0.1')), tojson(NumberDecimal('0.10')), 'trailing zeros are significant for exact equality'); assert.eq( qres, [{x: NumberDecimal('0.10')}], 'query for x equal to decimal 0.10 returns wrong value'); assert(isIndexOnly(db, qplan.queryPlanner.winningPlan), 'query on decimal should be covered: ' + tojson(qplan)); // Check that queries for exact floating point numbers don't return nearby decimals. assert.eq(t.find({x: 0.1}, {_id: 0}).sort({x: 1, y: 1}).toArray(), [{x: 0.1}, {x: 0.1, y: NumberDecimal('0.3000')}], 'wrong result for querying {x: 0.1}'); assert.eq(t.find({x: {$lt: 0.1}}, {_id: 0}).toArray(), [{x: NumberDecimal('0.10')}], 'querying for decimal less than double 0.1 should return decimal 0.10'); assert.eq(t.find({y: {$lt: NumberDecimal('0.3')}}, {y: 1, _id: 0}).toArray(), [{y: 0.3}], 'querying for double less than decimal 0.3 should return double 0.3'); assert.eq(t.find({_id: 0}, {_id: 1}).toArray(), [{_id: NumberDecimal('0E3')}], 'querying for zero does not return the correct decimal'); })();