// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because renameCollection command not supported // on sharded collections. // @tags: [assumes_unsharded_collection, requires_non_retryable_commands] /* test using lots of indexes on one collection */ t = db.many; function f() { t.drop(); db.many2.drop(); t.save({x: 9, y: 99}); t.save({x: 19, y: 99}); x = 2; var lastErr = null; while (x < 70) { patt = {}; patt[x] = 1; if (x == 20) patt = {x: 1}; if (x == 64) patt = {y: 1}; lastErr = t.ensureIndex(patt); x++; } assert.commandFailed(lastErr, "should have got an error 'too many indexes'"); // 40 is the limit currently lim = t.getIndexes().length; if (lim != 64) { print("# of indexes should be 64 but is : " + lim); return; } assert(lim == 64, "not 64 indexes"); assert(t.find({x: 9}).length() == 1, "b"); assert(t.find({y: 99}).length() == 2, "y idx"); /* check that renamecollection remaps all the indexes right */ assert(t.renameCollection("many2").ok, "rename failed"); assert(t.find({x: 9}).length() == 0, "many2a"); assert(db.many2.find({x: 9}).length() == 1, "many2b"); assert(t.find({y: 99}).length() == 0, "many2c"); assert(db.many2.find({y: 99}).length() == 2, "many2d"); } f();