/** * Tests that indexes are distinguished by their "signature", i.e. the combination of parameters * which uniquely identify an index. Multiple indexes can be created on the same key pattern if * their signature parameters differ. * * @tags: [requires_fcv_50, requires_non_retryable_writes] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For 'isSharded'. const testDB = db.getSiblingDB(jsTestName()); const coll = testDB.test; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(testDB.createCollection(coll.getName())); // The key pattern and spec against which other indexes will be compared during createIndex. const initialIndexSpec = { name: "initial_index", collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 1}, partialFilterExpression: {a: {$gt: 0, $lt: 10}, b: "blah"} }; const keyPattern = { a: 1 }; // Helper function to build an index spec based on 'initialIndexSpec'. function makeSpec(opts) { return Object.assign({}, initialIndexSpec, opts || {}); } // Runs a createIndex command with the given key pattern and options. Then verifies that the // number of indexes changed in accordance with the 'expectedChange' argument. function buildIndexAndAssertChangeInIndexCount(keyPattern, indexOptions, expectedChange) { const numIndexesBefore = coll.getIndexes().length; const cmdRes = assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex(keyPattern, indexOptions)); // In a sharded cluster, the results from all shards are returned in cmdRes.raw. assert(cmdRes.numIndexesBefore != null || Object.values(cmdRes.raw), tojson(cmdRes)); const numIndexesAfter = (cmdRes.numIndexesAfter != null ? cmdRes.numIndexesAfter : Object.values(cmdRes.raw)[0].numIndexesAfter); assert.eq(numIndexesAfter, numIndexesBefore + expectedChange, cmdRes); } // Runs a createIndex command with the given key pattern and options. Then verifies that no index // was built, since an index with the same signature already existed. function assertIndexAlreadyExists(keyPattern, indexOptions) { buildIndexAndAssertChangeInIndexCount(keyPattern, indexOptions, 0); } // Runs a createIndex command with the given key pattern and options. Then verifies that a new // index was built by checking that the index count increased by 1. function assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, indexOptions) { buildIndexAndAssertChangeInIndexCount(keyPattern, indexOptions, 1); } // Creates an index on {a: 1}. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, {name: "basic_index"}); // Verifies that we can create a second index on {a: 1} with 'sparse':true. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, {name: "sparse_index", sparse: true}); // Verifies that we can create two more indexes with 'unique': true. We do not run these tests on // sharded passthroughs, since unique indexes cannot be created on a hash-sharded collection. if (!FixtureHelpers.isSharded(coll)) { // Verifies that we can create an index on {a: 1} with 'unique':true. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, {name: "unique_index", unique: true}); // Verifies that we can create an index on {a: 1} with 'unique':true and 'sparse':true. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, {name: "unique_sparse_index", unique: true, sparse: true}); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex("unique_sparse_index")); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex("unique_index")); } assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex("basic_index")); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndex("sparse_index")); // Creates an index on {a: 1} with an explicit collation and a partialFilterExpression. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, initialIndexSpec); // Verifies that an index can be built on the same fields if the collation is different. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, makeSpec({name: "simple_collation_index", collation: {locale: "simple"}})); // Verifies that an index can be built on the same fields if the partialFilterExpression is // different. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, makeSpec({ name: "partial_filter_index", partialFilterExpression: {a: {$gt: 5, $lt: 10}, b: "blah"} })); // Verifies that partialFilterExpressions are normalized before being compared. Below, the // expression is written differently than in the previous index, but the two are considered // equivalent. If we attempt to build this index with the same name as the initial index, the // operation will return success but will not actually do any work, since the requested index // already exists. const partialFilterDupeSpec = makeSpec({partialFilterExpression: {$and: [{b: "blah"}, {a: {$lt: 10}}, {a: {$gt: 0}}]}}); assertIndexAlreadyExists(keyPattern, partialFilterDupeSpec); // Verifies that attempting to build the dupe index with a different name will result in an error. partialFilterDupeSpec.name = "partial_filter_dupe_index"; assert.commandFailedWithCode(coll.createIndex(keyPattern, partialFilterDupeSpec), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); // We don't currently take collation into account when checking partialFilterExpression equivalence. // In this instance we are using a case-insensitive collation, and so the predicate {b: "BLAH"} will // match the same set of documents as {b: "blah"} in the initial index's partialFilterExpression. // But we do not consider these filters equivalent, and so this is considered a distinct index. // TODO SERVER-47664: take collation into account in MatchExpression::equivalent(). assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, makeSpec({ name: "partial_filter_collator_index", partialFilterExpression: {a: {$gt: 0, $lt: 10}, b: "BLAH"} })); // We do not currently sort MatchExpression trees by leaf predicate value in cases where two or more // branches are otherwise identical, meaning that we cannot identify certain trivial cases where two // partialFilterExpressions are equivalent. // TODO SERVER-47661: provide a way for MatchExpression trees to be sorted in a consistent manner in // cases where two or more otherwise identical branches differ only by leaf predicate value. const partialFilterUnsortedLeaves = makeSpec({ name: "partial_filter_single_field_multiple_predicates_same_matchtype", partialFilterExpression: {$and: [{a: {$type: 1}}, {a: {$type: 2}}]} }); assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, partialFilterUnsortedLeaves); // Changes the predicate order of the $and and re-run the createIndex. We would expect this index to // be considered identical to the existing index, and for the createIndex to return no-op success. // Instead, we throw an exception because the catalog believes we are trying to create an index with // the same name but a different partialFilterExpression. partialFilterUnsortedLeaves.partialFilterExpression.$and.reverse(); assert.commandFailedWithCode(coll.createIndex(keyPattern, partialFilterUnsortedLeaves), ErrorCodes.IndexKeySpecsConflict); // Verifies that non-signature options cannot distinguish a new index from an existing index. const nonSignatureOptions = [{expireAfterSeconds: 10}, {background: true}]; // Builds a new, basic index on {a: 1}, since some of the options we intend to test are not // compatible with the partialFilterExpression on the existing {a: 1} indexes. assertNewIndexBuilt(keyPattern, {name: "basic_index_default_opts"}); // Verifies that none of the options in the list are sufficient to uniquely identify an index, // meaning that we cannot create a new index on 'keyPattern' by changing any of these fields. for (let nonSigOpt of nonSignatureOptions) { assert.commandFailedWithCode( coll.createIndex(keyPattern, Object.assign({name: "non_sig_index"}, nonSigOpt)), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); } const wildcardKeyPattern = { "$**": 1 }; // Builds a base wildcard index. assertNewIndexBuilt(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_all"}); // Verifies that two indexes which includes or excludes a same field can be created. assertNewIndexBuilt(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a", wildcardProjection: {a: 1}}); assertNewIndexBuilt(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_noa", wildcardProjection: {a: 0}}); // Verifies the behavior that _id is excluded by default and so the {_id: 0, a: 1} path projection // equals to the {a: 1} path projection and thus the index with {_id: 0, a: 1} path projection can // not be created. assertIndexAlreadyExists(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a", wildcardProjection: {_id: 0, a: 1}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode( coll.createIndex(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_noid_a", wildcardProjection: {_id: 0, a: 1}}), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); // Verifies that the index with the {_id: 1, a: 1} path projection has the different index signature // from the {a: 1} path projection and thus can be created. assertNewIndexBuilt(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_id_a", wildcardProjection: {_id: 1, a: 1}}); // Verifies that the {_id: 0, a: 0} path projection is same as {a: 0} and thus an index with the // projection can not be created. assertIndexAlreadyExists(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_noa", wildcardProjection: {_id: 0, a: 0}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode( coll.createIndex(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_noid_noa", wildcardProjection: {_id: 0, a: 0}}), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); // Verifies that the {a: 0, _id: 1} path projection is different from {a: 0} and an index with the // projection can be created. assertNewIndexBuilt(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_noa_id", wildcardProjection: {a: 0, _id: 1}}); // Verifies that an index with sub fields for a field which is included in another wildcard path // projection can be created. assertNewIndexBuilt(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c", wildcardProjection: {"a.b": 1, "a.c": 1}}); // Verifies that indexes with a path projection which is identical after normalization can not be // created. assertIndexAlreadyExists(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c", wildcardProjection: {a: {b: 1, c: 1}}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode( coll.createIndex(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c_1", wildcardProjection: {a: {b: 1, c: 1}}}), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); assertIndexAlreadyExists(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c", wildcardProjection: {a: {c: 1, b: 1}}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode( coll.createIndex(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c_1", wildcardProjection: {a: {c: 1, b: 1}}}), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); assertIndexAlreadyExists(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c", wildcardProjection: {"a.c": 1, "a.b": 1}}); assert.commandFailedWithCode( coll.createIndex(wildcardKeyPattern, {name: "wc_a_sub_b_c_1", wildcardProjection: {"a.c": 1, "a.b": 1}}), ErrorCodes.IndexOptionsConflict); })();