// @tags: [ // requires_non_retryable_writes, // ] // Test index key generation with duplicate values addressed by array index and // object field. SERVER-2902 (function() { 'use strict'; const collNamePrefix = 'jstests_indexu_'; let collCount = 0; let t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); const dupDoc = { _id: 0, a: [{'0': 1}] }; // There are two 'a.0' fields in this doc. const dupDoc2 = { a: [{'1': 1}, 'c'] }; const noDupDoc = { a: [{'1': 1}] }; // Test that we can't index dupDoc. assert.commandWorked(t.save(dupDoc)); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0': 1}), 16746); // Test that we can fail gracefully when dupDoc has a large array padded with nulls. // Index is based on max padding constant in mongo/db/update/path_support.h assert.commandWorked(t.update({_id: 0}, {$set: {'a.1500001': 1}})); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0': 1}), 16746); t.remove({}); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({'a.0': 1})); assert.writeError(t.save(dupDoc)); // Test that we can't index dupDoc2. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); assert.commandWorked(t.save(dupDoc2)); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.1': 1}), 16746); t.remove({}); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({'a.1': 1})); assert.writeError(t.save(dupDoc2)); // Test that we can index dupDoc with a different index. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.createIndex({'a.b': 1}); assert.commandWorked(t.save(dupDoc)); // Test number field starting with hyphen. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.createIndex({'a.-1': 1}); assert.commandWorked(t.save({a: [{'-1': 1}]})); // Test number field starting with zero. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.createIndex({'a.00': 1}); assert.commandWorked(t.save({a: [{'00': 1}]})); // Test multiple array indexes t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.createIndex({'a.0': 1, 'a.1': 1}); assert.commandWorked(t.save({a: [{'1': 1}]})); assert.writeError(t.save({a: [{'1': 1}, 4]})); // Test that we can index noDupDoc. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save(noDupDoc); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({'a.0': 1})); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({'a.1': 1})); t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.createIndex({'a.0': 1}); t.createIndex({'a.1': 1}); assert.commandWorked(t.save(noDupDoc)); // Test that we can query noDupDoc. assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.1': 1}).hint({'a.1': 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.1': 1}).hint({$natural: 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.0': {'1': 1}}).hint({'a.0': 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.0': {'1': 1}}).hint({$natural: 1}).itcount()); // Check multiple nested array fields. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({a: [[1]]}); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({'a.0.0': 1})); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.0.0': 1}).hint({$natural: 1}).itcount()); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.0.0': 1}).hint({'a.0.0': 1}).itcount()); // Check where there is a duplicate for a partially addressed field but not for a fully addressed // field. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({a: [[1], {'0': 1}]}); assert.commandFailed(t.createIndex({'a.0.0': 1})); // Check where there is a duplicate for a fully addressed field. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); assert.commandWorked(t.save({a: [[1], {'0': [1]}]})); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0.0': 1}), 16746); // Two ways of addressing parse to an array. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({a: [{'0': 1}]}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0.0': 1}), 16746); // Test several key depths - with same arrays being found. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({a: [{'0': [{'0': 1}]}]}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.': 1}), 16746); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.': 1}), 16746); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.': 1}), 16746); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0.0.0': 1}), 16746); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0.0': 1}), 16746); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0': 1}), 16746); assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({'a': 1})); // Two prefixes extract docs, but one terminates extraction before array. t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({a: [{'0': {'c': []}}]}); assert.commandFailedWithCode(t.createIndex({'a.0.c': 1}), 16746); t = db.getCollection(collNamePrefix + collCount++); t.drop(); t.save({a: [[{'b': 1}]]}); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.0.b': 1}).itcount()); t.createIndex({'a.0.b': 1}); assert.eq(1, t.find({'a.0.b': 1}).itcount()); })();