// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of following errmsg: Cannot output to a // non-sharded collection because sharded collection exists already. // @tags: [ // assumes_unsharded_collection, // # mapReduce does not support afterClusterTime. // does_not_support_causal_consistency, // does_not_support_stepdowns, // uses_map_reduce_with_temp_collections, // ] /** * Test that the server returns an error response for map-reduce operations that attempt to insert a * document larger than 16MB as a result of the reduce() or finalize() functions and using the * "replace" action for the out collection. */ (function() { "use strict"; function mapper() { // Emit multiple values to ensure that the reducer gets called. emit(this._id, 1); emit(this._id, 1); } function createBigDocument() { // Returns a document of the form { _id: ObjectId(...), value: '...' } with the specified // 'targetSize' in bytes. function makeDocWithSize(targetSize) { let doc = {_id: new ObjectId(), value: ''}; let size = Object.bsonsize(doc); assert.gte(targetSize, size); // Set 'value' as a string with enough characters to make the whole document 'size' // bytes long. doc.value = new Array(targetSize - size + 1).join('x'); assert.eq(targetSize, Object.bsonsize(doc)); return doc; } let maxDocSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024; return makeDocWithSize(maxDocSize + 1).value; } function runTest(testOptions) { db.input.drop(); db.mr_bigobject_replace.drop(); // Insert a document so the mapper gets run. assert.commandWorked(db.input.insert({})); let res = db.runCommand(Object.extend({ mapReduce: "input", map: mapper, out: {replace: "mr_bigobject_replace"}, }, testOptions)); assert.commandFailed(res, "creating a document larger than 16MB didn't fail"); assert.lte(0, res.errmsg.indexOf("object to insert too large"), "map-reduce command failed for a reason other than inserting a large document"); } runTest({reduce: createBigDocument}); runTest({ reduce: function() { return 1; }, finalize: createBigDocument }); })();