// @tags: [ // # mapReduce does not support afterClusterTime. // does_not_support_causal_consistency, // does_not_support_stepdowns, // ] // See SERVER-9448 // Test argument and receiver (aka 'this') objects and their children can be mutated // in Map, Reduce and Finalize functions (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertArrayEq. const collection = db.mrMutableReceiver; collection.drop(); collection.insert({a: 1}); const map = function() { // set property on receiver this.feed = {beef: 1}; // modify property on receiever this.a = {cake: 1}; emit(this._id, this.feed); emit(this._id, this.a); }; const reduce = function(key, values) { // set property on receiver this.feed = {beat: 1}; // set property on key arg key.fed = {mochi: 1}; // push properties onto values array arg values.push(this.feed); values.push(key.fed); // modify each value in the (modified) array arg values.forEach(function(val) { val.mod = 1; }); return {food: values}; }; const finalize = function(key, values) { // set property on receiver this.feed = {ice: 1}; // set property on key arg key.fed = {cream: 1}; // push properties onto values array arg printjson(values); values.food.push(this.feed); values.food.push(key.fed); // modify each value in the (modified) array arg values.food.forEach(function(val) { val.mod = 1; }); return values; }; const cmdResult = collection.mapReduce(map, reduce, {finalize: finalize, out: {inline: 1}}); assertArrayEq(cmdResult.results[0].value.food, [ {"cake": 1, "mod": 1}, {"beef": 1, "mod": 1}, {"beat": 1, "mod": 1}, {"mochi": 1, "mod": 1}, {"ice": 1, "mod": 1}, {"cream": 1, "mod": 1} ]); }());