// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of following errmsg: Cannot output to a // non-sharded collection because sharded collection exists already. // @tags: [assumes_unsharded_collection, does_not_support_stepdowns] normal = "mr_outreduce2"; out = normal + "_out"; t = db[normal]; t.drop(); db[out].drop(); t.insert({_id: 1, x: 1}); t.insert({_id: 2, x: 1}); t.insert({_id: 3, x: 2}); m = function() { emit(this.x, 1); }; r = function(k, v) { return Array.sum(v); }; res = t.mapReduce(m, r, {out: {reduce: out}, query: {_id: {$gt: 0}}}); assert.eq(2, db[out].findOne({_id: 1}).value, "A1"); assert.eq(1, db[out].findOne({_id: 2}).value, "A2"); t.insert({_id: 4, x: 2}); res = t.mapReduce(m, r, {out: {reduce: out}, query: {_id: {$gt: 3}}, finalize: null}); assert.eq(2, db[out].findOne({_id: 1}).value, "B1"); assert.eq(2, db[out].findOne({_id: 2}).value, "B2");