assert.eq.automsg("0", "new NumberLong()"); n = new NumberLong(4); assert.eq.automsg("4", "n"); assert.eq.automsg("4", "n.toNumber()"); assert.eq.automsg("8", "n + 4"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(4)'", "n.toString()"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(4)'", "tojson( n )"); a = {}; a.a = n; p = tojson(a); assert.eq.automsg("'{ \"a\" : NumberLong(4) }'", "p"); assert.eq.automsg("NumberLong(4 )", "eval( tojson( NumberLong( 4 ) ) )"); assert.eq.automsg("a", "eval( tojson( a ) )"); n = new NumberLong(-4); assert.eq.automsg("-4", "n"); assert.eq.automsg("-4", "n.toNumber()"); assert.eq.automsg("0", "n + 4"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(-4)'", "n.toString()"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(-4)'", "tojson( n )"); a = {}; a.a = n; p = tojson(a); assert.eq.automsg("'{ \"a\" : NumberLong(-4) }'", "p"); // double n = new NumberLong(4294967296); // 2^32 assert.eq.automsg("4294967296", "n"); assert.eq.automsg("4294967296", "n.toNumber()"); assert.eq.automsg("4294967295", "n - 1"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(\"4294967296\")'", "n.toString()"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(\"4294967296\")'", "tojson( n )"); assert.eq.automsg("4294967296", "n.floatApprox"); assert.eq.automsg("1", ""); assert.eq.automsg("0", "n.bottom"); a = {}; a.a = n; p = tojson(a); assert.eq.automsg("'{ \"a\" : NumberLong(\"4294967296\") }'", "p"); var goodValues = [ 0, "9223372036854775807", // int64_t max "-9223372036854775808", // int64_t min -9223372036854776000, 9223372036854775000, ]; var badNum = "number passed to NumberLong must be representable as an int64_t"; var badStr = "could not convert string to long long"; var badValues = [ {val: NaN, msg: badNum}, {val: "9223372036854775808", msg: badStr}, // int64_t max + 1 {val: 9223372036854776000, msg: badNum}, {val: "-9223372036854775809", msg: badStr}, // int64_t min - 1 {val: -9223372036854778000, msg: badNum}, ]; for (var i = 0; i < goodValues.length; i++) { try { NumberLong(goodValues[i]); } catch (e) { doassert("Error: NumberLong(" + goodValues[i] + ") should have worked, but got '" + e.message + "'."); } } for (var i = 0; i < badValues.length; i++) { try { NumberLong(badValues[i].val); doassert("Error: NumberLong(" + badValues[i] + ") should have failed."); } catch (e) { assert.eq(e.message, badValues[i].msg); } } // too big to fit in double n = new NumberLong("11111111111111111"); assert.eq.automsg("11111111111111112", "n.toNumber()"); assert.eq.automsg("11111111111111116", "n + 4"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(\"11111111111111111\")'", "n.toString()"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(\"11111111111111111\")'", "tojson( n )"); a = {}; a.a = n; p = tojson(a); assert.eq.automsg("'{ \"a\" : NumberLong(\"11111111111111111\") }'", "p"); assert.eq.automsg("NumberLong('11111111111111111' )", "eval( tojson( NumberLong( '11111111111111111' ) ) )"); assert.eq.automsg("a", "eval( tojson( a ) )"); n = new NumberLong("-11111111111111111"); assert.eq.automsg("-11111111111111112", "n.toNumber()"); assert.eq.automsg("-11111111111111108", "n + 4"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(\"-11111111111111111\")'", "n.toString()"); assert.eq.automsg("'NumberLong(\"-11111111111111111\")'", "tojson( n )"); assert.eq.automsg("-11111111111111112", "n.floatApprox"); assert.eq.automsg("4292380288", ""); assert.eq.automsg("3643379257", "n.bottom"); a = {}; a.a = n; p = tojson(a); assert.eq.automsg("'{ \"a\" : NumberLong(\"-11111111111111111\") }'", "p"); n = new NumberLong("9223372036854775807"); assert.eq.automsg("9223372036854775807", "n.floatApprox"); assert.eq.automsg("2147483647", ""); assert.eq.automsg("4294967295", "n.bottom"); // From top and bottom n = new NumberLong(9223372036854775807, 2147483647, 4294967295); assert.eq.automsg("9223372036854775807", "n.floatApprox"); assert.eq.automsg("2147483647", ""); assert.eq.automsg("4294967295", "n.bottom"); n = new NumberLong(0, 1, 0); // Test that floatApprox argument is ignored. assert.eq.automsg("4294967296", "n.floatApprox"); assert.eq.automsg("1", ""); assert.eq.automsg("0", "n.bottom"); badValues = [ [0, 4294967296, 0], [0, 0, 4294967296], ['asdf', 0, 0], [0, 1.5, 0], ]; for (var i = 0; i < badValues.length; i++) { assert.throws(function() { NumberLong.apply(null, badValues[i]); }, [], "Bad arguments to NumberLong should have thrown: " + JSON.stringify(badValues[i])); } // parsing assert.throws.automsg(function() { new NumberLong(""); }); assert.throws.automsg(function() { new NumberLong("y"); }); assert.throws.automsg(function() { new NumberLong("11111111111111111111"); }); // create NumberLong from NumberInt (SERVER-9973) assert.doesNotThrow.automsg(function() { new NumberLong(NumberInt(1)); }); // check that creating a NumberLong from a NumberLong bigger than a double doesn't // get a truncated value (SERVER-9973) n = new NumberLong(NumberLong("11111111111111111")); assert.eq.automsg("n.toString()", "'NumberLong(\"11111111111111111\")'"); // // Test // var left = new NumberLong("0"); var right = new NumberLong("0"); assert.eq(, 0); assert.eq(, 0); left = new NumberLong("20"); right = new NumberLong("10");, 0);, 0); left = new NumberLong("-9223372036854775808"); right = new NumberLong("9223372036854775807");, 0);, 0); assert.eq(, 0); assert.eq(, 0); // Bad input to .compare(). assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare(); }); assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare(null); }); assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare(undefined); }); assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare(3); }); assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare("foo"); }); assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare(NumberLong("0"), 3); }); assert.throws(function() { NumberLong("0").compare({'replSet2Members': 6}); }); // Test auto complete var getCompletions = function(prefix) { shellAutocomplete(prefix); return __autocomplete__; }; var myNumberLong = new NumberLong(); var completions = getCompletions('myNumberLong.'); assert(completions.indexOf('myNumberLong.floatApprox') >= 0); assert(completions.indexOf('') >= 0); assert(completions.indexOf('myNumberLong.bottom') >= 0);