// checks that db.serverStatus will not throw errors when metrics tree is not present. // The test runs commands that are not allowed with security token: mapreduce. // @tags: [not_allowed_with_security_token] (function() { "use strict"; // Test the getActiveCommands function // Should remove the listCollections section but keep the rest var testInput = { "isMaster": {"failed": NumberLong(0), "total": NumberLong(3)}, "mapreduce": {"failed": NumberLong(0), "total": NumberLong(1)}, "listCollections": {"failed": NumberLong(0), "total": NumberLong(0)} }; var testExpected = { "isMaster": {"failed": NumberLong(0), "total": NumberLong(3)}, "mapreduce": {"failed": NumberLong(0), "total": NumberLong(1)} }; var testResult = getActiveCommands(testInput); assert.eq(testResult, testExpected, "getActiveCommands did not return the expected result"); // Test that the serverstatus helper works var result = db.serverStatus(); assert.neq(undefined, result, tojson(result)); // Test that the metrics tree returns assert.neq(undefined, result.metrics, tojson(result)); // Test that the metrics.commands tree returns assert.neq(undefined, result.metrics.commands, tojson(result)); // Test that the metrics.commands.serverStatus value is non-zero assert.neq(0, result.metrics.commands.serverStatus.total, tojson(result)); // Test that the command returns successfully when no metrics tree is present var result = db.serverStatus({"metrics": 0}); assert.eq(undefined, result.metrics, tojson(result)); }());