// Test $or with predicates that generate inexact bounds. The access planner // has special logic for such queries. var t = db.jstests_or_inexact; var cursor; // A predicate which uses an index falls into one of three categories: // // 1) EXACT // The predicate can be fully evaluated by the index bounds. // 2) INEXACT_COVERED // The predicate cannot be fully evaluated by the index bounds. However, // there is enough information in the index key to evaluate. Such predicates // are answered by an index scan with an additional filter on the index key. // 3) INEXACT_FETCH // We must fetch the full documents in order to evaluate the predicate. // Case 1: An EXACT predicate and an INEXACT_COVERED t.drop(); t.createIndex({name: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, name: "thomas"}); t.insert({_id: 1, name: "alexandra"}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{name: "thomas"}, {name: /^alexand(er|ra)/}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 1"); // Case 2: Two INEXACT_COVERED predicates. t.drop(); t.createIndex({name: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, name: "thomas"}); t.insert({_id: 1, name: "alexandra"}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{name: /omas/}, {name: /^alexand(er|ra)/}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 2"); // Case 3: An EXACT, and INEXACT_COVERED, and an INEXACT_FETCH. t.drop(); t.createIndex({names: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, names: ["thomas", "alexandra"]}); t.insert({_id: 1, names: "frank"}); t.insert({_id: 2, names: "alice"}); t.insert({_id: 3, names: ["dave"]}); cursor = t.find( {$or: [{names: "frank"}, {names: /^al(ice|ex)/}, {names: {$elemMatch: {$eq: "thomas"}}}]}); assert.eq(3, cursor.itcount(), "case 3"); // Case 4: Two INEXACT_FETCH. t.drop(); t.createIndex({names: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, names: ["thomas", "alexandra"]}); t.insert({_id: 1, names: ["frank", "alice"]}); t.insert({_id: 2, names: "frank"}); cursor = t.find( {$or: [{names: {$elemMatch: {$eq: "alexandra"}}}, {names: {$elemMatch: {$eq: "frank"}}}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 4"); // Case 5: Two indices. One has EXACT and INEXACT_COVERED. The other // has EXACT and INEXACT_FETCH. t.drop(); t.createIndex({first: 1}); t.createIndex({last: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, first: "frank", last: "smith"}); t.insert({_id: 1, first: "john", last: "doe"}); t.insert({_id: 2, first: "dave", last: "st"}); t.insert({_id: 3, first: ["dave", "david"], last: "pasette"}); t.insert({_id: 4, first: "joanna", last: ["smith", "doe"]}); cursor = t.find( {$or: [{first: "frank"}, {last: {$elemMatch: {$eq: "doe"}}}, {first: /david/}, {last: "st"}]}); assert.eq(4, cursor.itcount(), "case 5"); // Case 6: Multikey with only EXACT predicates. t.drop(); t.createIndex({names: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, names: ["david", "dave"]}); t.insert({_id: 1, names: ["joseph", "joe", "joey"]}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{names: "dave"}, {names: "joe"}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 6"); // Case 7: Multikey with EXACT and INEXACT_COVERED. t.drop(); t.createIndex({names: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, names: ["david", "dave"]}); t.insert({_id: 1, names: ["joseph", "joe", "joey"]}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{names: "dave"}, {names: /joe/}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 7"); // Case 8: Text with EXACT. t.drop(); t.createIndex({pre: 1, names: "text"}); t.createIndex({other: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, pre: 3, names: "david dave", other: 1}); t.insert({_id: 1, pre: 4, names: "joseph joe joey", other: 2}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{$text: {$search: "dave"}, pre: 3}, {other: 2}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 8"); // Case 9: Text with INEXACT_COVERED. t.drop(); t.createIndex({pre: 1, names: "text"}); t.createIndex({other: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, pre: 3, names: "david dave", other: "foo"}); t.insert({_id: 1, pre: 5, names: "david dave", other: "foo"}); t.insert({_id: 2, pre: 4, names: "joseph joe joey", other: "bar"}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{$text: {$search: "dave"}, pre: 3}, {other: /bar/}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 9"); // Case 10: Text requiring filter with INEXACT_COVERED. t.drop(); t.createIndex({pre: 1, names: "text"}); t.createIndex({other: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, pre: 3, names: "david dave", other: "foo"}); t.insert({_id: 1, pre: 3, names: "david dave", other: "foo"}); t.insert({_id: 2, pre: 4, names: "joseph joe joey", other: "bar"}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{$text: {$search: "dave"}, pre: 3, other: "foo"}, {other: /bar/}]}); assert.eq(3, cursor.itcount(), "case 10"); // Case 11: GEO with non-geo, same index, 2dsphere. t.drop(); t.createIndex({pre: 1, loc: "2dsphere"}); t.insert({_id: 0, pre: 3, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [40, 5]}}); t.insert({_id: 1, pre: 4, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}}); cursor = t.find({ $or: [ { pre: 3, loc: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[[39, 4], [41, 4], [41, 6], [39, 6], [39, 4]]] } } } }, { pre: 4, loc: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]] } } } } ] }); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 11"); // Case 12: GEO with non-geo, same index, 2d. t.drop(); t.createIndex({pre: 1, loc: "2d"}); t.insert({_id: 0, pre: 3, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [40, 5]}}); t.insert({_id: 1, pre: 4, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}}); cursor = t.find({ $or: [ { pre: 3, loc: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[[39, 4], [41, 4], [41, 6], [39, 6], [39, 4]]] } } } }, { pre: 4, loc: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]] } } } } ] }); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 12"); // Case 13: $elemMatch object. t.drop(); t.createIndex({"a.b": 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}]}); t.insert({_id: 1, a: [{b: 3}, {b: 4}]}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$lte: 1}}}}, {a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$gte: 4}}}}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 13"); // Case 14: $elemMatch object, below an AND. t.drop(); t.createIndex({"a.b": 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}]}); t.insert({_id: 1, a: [{b: 2}, {b: 4}]}); cursor = t.find({"a.b": 2, $or: [{a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$lte: 1}}}}, {a: {$elemMatch: {b: {$gte: 4}}}}]}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 14"); // Case 15: $or below $elemMatch. t.drop(); t.createIndex({"a.b": 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}]}); t.insert({_id: 1, a: [{b: 2}, {b: 4}]}); t.insert({_id: 2, a: {b: 4}}); cursor = t.find({a: {$elemMatch: {$or: [{b: 1}, {b: 4}]}}}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 15"); // Case 16: $or below $elemMatch with INEXACT_COVERED. t.drop(); t.createIndex({"a.b": 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: "x"}, {b: "y"}]}); t.insert({_id: 1, a: [{b: "y"}, {b: ["y", "z"]}]}); t.insert({_id: 2, a: {b: ["y", "z"]}}); cursor = t.find({a: {$elemMatch: {$or: [{b: "x"}, {b: /z/}]}}}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 16"); // Case 17: case from SERVER-14030. t.drop(); t.createIndex({number: 1}); t.insert({number: null, user_id: 1}); t.insert({number: 2, user_id: 1}); t.insert({number: 1, user_id: 1}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{number: null}, {number: {$lte: 2}}]}); assert.eq(3, cursor.itcount(), "case 17"); // Case 18: $in with EXACT and INEXACT_COVERED. t.drop(); t.createIndex({name: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, name: "thomas"}); t.insert({_id: 1, name: "alexandra"}); cursor = t.find({name: {$in: ["thomas", /^alexand(er|ra)/]}}); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 18"); // Case 19: $in with EXACT, INEXACT_COVERED, and INEXACT_FETCH. t.drop(); t.createIndex({name: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, name: "thomas"}); t.insert({_id: 1, name: "alexandra"}); t.insert({_id: 2}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{name: {$in: ["thomas", /^alexand(er|ra)/]}}, {name: {$exists: false}}]}); assert.eq(3, cursor.itcount(), "case 19"); // Case 20: $in with EXACT, INEXACT_COVERED, and INEXACT_FETCH, two indices. t.drop(); t.createIndex({a: 1}); t.createIndex({b: 1}); t.insert({_id: 0, a: "x", b: "y"}); t.insert({_id: 1, a: "z", b: "z"}); t.insert({_id: 2}); t.insert({_id: 3, a: "w", b: "x"}); t.insert({_id: 4, a: "l", b: "p"}); cursor = t.find({$or: [{a: {$in: [/z/, /x/]}}, {a: "w"}, {b: {$exists: false}}, {b: {$in: ["p"]}}]}); assert.eq(5, cursor.itcount(), "case 19"); // Case 21: two $geoWithin that collapse to a single GEO index scan. t.drop(); t.createIndex({loc: "2dsphere"}); t.insert({_id: 0, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [40, 5]}}); t.insert({_id: 1, loc: {type: "Point", coordinates: [0, 0]}}); cursor = t.find({ $or: [ { loc: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[[39, 4], [41, 4], [41, 6], [39, 6], [39, 4]]] } } } }, { loc: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [[[-1, -1], [1, -1], [1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]]] } } } } ] }); assert.eq(2, cursor.itcount(), "case 21");