// Tests the rewrite of single-path $or queries (where all disjuncts reference the same path) // to an equivalent $in. // // This test is not prepared to handle explain output for sharded collections. // @tags: [ // assumes_unsharded_collection, // ] (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertArrayEq. load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkBothEnginesAreRunOnCluster. var coll = db.orToIn; coll.drop(); function compareValues(v1, v2) { if (isNaN(v1) && isNaN(v2)) { return true; } else { return (v1 == v2); } } // Check that 'expectedQuery' and 'actualQuery' have the same plans, and produce the same result. function assertEquivPlanAndResult(expectedQuery, actualQuery) { const expectedExplain = coll.find(expectedQuery).explain("queryPlanner"); const actualExplain = coll.find(actualQuery).explain("queryPlanner"); // The queries must be rewritten into the same form. assert.docEq(expectedExplain.parsedQuery, actualExplain.parsedQuery); // Check if the test queries produce the same plans with collations const expectedExplainColln = coll.find(expectedQuery).sort({f1: 1}).collation({locale: 'en_US'}).explain("queryPlanner"); const actualExplainColln = coll.find(actualQuery).sort({f1: 1}).collation({locale: 'en_US'}).explain("queryPlanner"); assert.docEq(expectedExplainColln.parsedQuery, actualExplainColln.parsedQuery); // Make sure both queries have the same access plan. const expectedPlan = getWinningPlan(expectedExplain.queryPlanner); const actualPlan = getWinningPlan(actualExplain.queryPlanner); if (!checkBothEnginesAreRunOnCluster(db)) { assert.docEq(expectedPlan, actualPlan); } // The queries must produce the same result. const expectedRes = coll.find(expectedQuery).toArray(); const actualRes = coll.find(actualQuery).toArray(); assert(arrayEq(expectedRes, actualRes, false, compareValues), `expected=${expectedRes}, actual=${actualRes}`); // also with collation const expectedResColln = coll.find(expectedQuery).sort({f1: 1}).collation({locale: 'en_US'}).toArray(); const actualResColln = coll.find(actualQuery).sort({f1: 1}).collation({locale: 'en_US'}).toArray(); assert(arrayEq(expectedResColln, actualResColln, false, compareValues), `expected=${expectedRes}, actual=${actualRes}`); } // Make sure that certain $or expressions are not rewritten to $in. // This is the case when $eq is not equivalent to the implied equality // used by $in. function assertOrNotRewrittenToIn(query) { const parsedQuery = coll.find(query).explain("queryPlanner").queryPlanner.parsedQuery; const topOp = Object.keys(parsedQuery); assert(arrayEq(topOp, ["$or"])); // None of the children should be $in. for (const child of parsedQuery["$or"]) { const childOp = Object.keys(child); const childOfChild = Object.keys(child[childOp[0]]); assert(!arrayEq(childOfChild, ["$in"]), `expected=["$in"], actual=${childOfChild}`); } } const data = [ {_id: 0, f1: 3, f2: 7}, {_id: 1, f1: 1, f2: [32, 42, 52, [11]]}, {_id: 2, f1: 2, f2: 9}, {_id: 3, f1: 5, f2: 42}, {_id: 4, f1: 1, f2: [23, 42, 13]}, {_id: 5, f1: "xz", f2: 13}, {_id: 6, f1: "ab", f2: 15}, {_id: 7, f1: null, f2: null}, {_id: 8, f1: undefined, f2: undefined}, {_id: 9, f1: NaN, f2: NaN}, {_id: 10, f1: 1, f2: [32, 52]}, {_id: 11, f1: 1, f2: [42, [13, 11]]} ]; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(data)); // Pairs of queries where the first one is expressed via OR (which is supposed to be // rewritten as IN), and the second one is an equivalent query using IN. const positiveTestQueries = [ [{$or: [{f1: 5}, {f1: 3}, {f1: 7}]}, {f1: {$in: [7, 3, 5]}}], [{$or: [{f1: {$eq: 5}}, {f1: {$eq: 3}}, {f1: {$eq: 7}}]}, {f1: {$in: [7, 3, 5]}}], [{$or: [{f1: 42}, {f1: NaN}, {f1: 99}]}, {f1: {$in: [42, NaN, 99]}}], [{$or: [{f1: /^x/}, {f1: "ab"}]}, {f1: {$in: [/^x/, "ab"]}}], [{$or: [{f1: /^x/}, {f1: "^a"}]}, {f1: {$in: [/^x/, "^a"]}}], [{$or: [{f1: 42}, {f1: null}, {f1: 99}]}, {f1: {$in: [42, 99, null]}}], [{$or: [{f1: 1}, {f2: 9}, {f1: 99}]}, {$or: [{f2: 9}, {f1: {$in: [1, 99]}}]}], [{$or: [{f1: {$regex: /^x/}}, {f1: {$regex: /ab/}}]}, {f1: {$in: [/^x/, /ab/]}}], [ {$and: [{$or: [{f1: 7}, {f1: 3}, {f1: 5}]}, {$or: [{f1: 1}, {f1: 2}, {f1: 3}]}]}, {$and: [{f1: {$in: [7, 3, 5]}}, {f1: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}}]} ], [ {$or: [{$or: [{f1: 7}, {f1: 3}, {f1: 5}]}, {$or: [{f1: 1}, {f1: 2}, {f1: 3}]}]}, {$or: [{f1: {$in: [7, 3, 5]}}, {f1: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}}]} ], [ {$or: [{$and: [{f1: 7}, {f2: 7}, {f1: 5}]}, {$or: [{f1: 1}, {f1: 2}, {f1: 3}]}]}, {$or: [{$and: [{f1: 7}, {f2: 7}, {f1: 5}]}, {f1: {$in: [1, 2, 3]}}]}, ], [{$or: [{f2: [32, 52]}, {f2: [42, [13, 11]]}]}, {f2: {$in: [[32, 52], [42, [13, 11]]]}}], [{$or: [{f2: 52}, {f2: 13}]}, {f2: {$in: [52, 13]}}], [{$or: [{f2: [11]}, {f2: [23]}]}, {f2: {$in: [[11], [23]]}}], [{$or: [{f1: 42}, {f1: null}]}, {f1: {$in: [42, null]}}], [{$or: [{f1: "a"}, {f1: "b"}, {f1: /c/}]}, {f1: {$in: ["a", "b", /c/]}}], ]; // These $or queries should not be rewritten into $in because of different semantics. const negativeTestQueries = [ {$or: [{f2: 9}, {f1: 1}, {f1: 99}]}, {$or: [{f1: {$eq: /^x/}}, {f1: {$eq: /ab/}}]}, {$or: [{f1: {$lt: 2}}, {f1: {$gt: 3}}]}, ]; for (const query of negativeTestQueries) { assertOrNotRewrittenToIn(query); } function testOrToIn(queries) { for (const queryPair of queries) { assertEquivPlanAndResult(queryPair[0], queryPair[1]); } } testOrToIn(positiveTestQueries); // test without indexes assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({f1: 1})); testOrToIn(positiveTestQueries); // single index assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({f2: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({f1: 1, f2: 1})); testOrToIn(positiveTestQueries); // three indexes, requires multiplanning // Test with a collection that has a collation, and that collation is the same as the query // collation coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection("orToIn", {collation: {locale: 'en_US'}})); coll = db.orToIn; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(data)); testOrToIn(positiveTestQueries); // Test with a collection that has a collation, and that collation is different from the query // collation coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection("orToIn", {collation: {locale: 'de'}})); coll = db.orToIn; assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(data)); testOrToIn(positiveTestQueries); }());