// Test clearing of the plan cache, either manually through the planCacheClear command, // or due to system events such as an index build. // // @tags: [ // # This test attempts to perform queries and introspect/manipulate the server's plan cache // # entries. The former operation may be routed to a secondary in the replica set, whereas the // # latter must be routed to the primary. // assumes_read_preference_unchanged, // does_not_support_stepdowns, // ] var t = db.jstests_plan_cache_clear; t.drop(); // Utility function to list query shapes in cache. function getShapes(collection) { if (collection == undefined) { collection = t; } var res = collection.runCommand('planCacheListQueryShapes'); print('planCacheListQueryShapes() = ' + tojson(res)); assert.commandWorked(res, 'planCacheListQueryShapes failed'); assert(res.hasOwnProperty('shapes'), 'shapes missing from planCacheListQueryShapes result'); return res.shapes; } t.save({a: 1, b: 1}); t.save({a: 1, b: 2}); t.save({a: 1, b: 2}); t.save({a: 2, b: 2}); // We need two indices so that the MultiPlanRunner is executed. t.ensureIndex({a: 1}); t.ensureIndex({a: 1, b: 1}); // Run a query so that an entry is inserted into the cache. assert.eq(1, t.find({a: 1, b: 1}).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); // Invalid key should be a no-op. t.runCommand('planCacheClear', {query: {unknownfield: 1}}); assert.eq(1, getShapes().length, 'removing unknown query should not affecting exisiting entries'); // Run a new query shape and drop it from the cache assert.eq(1, getShapes().length, 'unexpected cache size after running 2nd query'); assert.commandWorked(t.runCommand('planCacheClear', {query: {a: 1, b: 1}})); assert.eq(0, getShapes().length, 'unexpected cache size after dropping 2nd query from cache'); // planCacheClear can clear $expr queries. assert.eq(1, t.find({a: 1, b: 1, $expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.eq(1, getShapes().length, 'unexpected cache size after running 2nd query'); assert.commandWorked( t.runCommand('planCacheClear', {query: {a: 1, b: 1, $expr: {$eq: ['$a', 1]}}})); assert.eq(0, getShapes().length, 'unexpected cache size after dropping 2nd query from cache'); // planCacheClear fails with an $expr query with an unbound variable. assert.commandFailed( t.runCommand('planCacheClear', {query: {a: 1, b: 1, $expr: {$eq: ['$a', '$$unbound']}}})); // Insert two more shapes into the cache. assert.eq(1, t.find({a: 1, b: 1}).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: 1, b: 1}, {_id: 0, a: 1}).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); // Drop query cache. This clears all cached queries in the collection. res = t.runCommand('planCacheClear'); print('planCacheClear() = ' + tojson(res)); assert.commandWorked(res, 'planCacheClear failed'); assert.eq(0, getShapes().length, 'plan cache should be empty after successful planCacheClear()'); // // Query Plan Revision // http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/query-plans/#query-plan-revision // As collections change over time, the query optimizer deletes the query plan and re-evaluates // after any of the following events: // - The reIndex rebuilds the index. // - You add or drop an index. // - The mongod process restarts. // // Case 1: The reIndex rebuilds the index. // Steps: // Populate the cache with 1 entry. // Run reIndex on the collection. // Confirm that cache is empty. assert.eq(1, t.find({a: 1, b: 1}).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.eq(1, getShapes().length, 'plan cache should not be empty after query'); res = t.reIndex(); print('reIndex result = ' + tojson(res)); assert.eq(0, getShapes().length, 'plan cache should be empty after reIndex operation'); // Case 2: You add or drop an index. // Steps: // Populate the cache with 1 entry. // Add an index. // Confirm that cache is empty. assert.eq(1, t.find({a: 1, b: 1}).itcount(), 'unexpected document count'); assert.eq(1, getShapes().length, 'plan cache should not be empty after query'); t.ensureIndex({b: 1}); assert.eq(0, getShapes().length, 'plan cache should be empty after adding index'); // Case 3: The mongod process restarts // Not applicable.