// @tags: [ // assumes_superuser_permissions, // creates_and_authenticates_user, // does_not_support_stepdowns, // requires_capped, // requires_collstats, // requires_non_retryable_commands, // requires_profiling, // ] (function() { "use strict"; function profileCursor(query) { query = query || {}; Object.extend(query, {user: username + "@" + db.getName()}); return db.system.profile.find(query); } function getProfileAString() { var s = "\n"; profileCursor().forEach(function(z) { s += tojson(z) + " ,\n"; }); return s; } function resetProfile(level, slowms) { db.setProfilingLevel(0); db.system.profile.drop(); db.setProfilingLevel(level, slowms); } // special db so that it can be run in parallel tests var stddb = db; db = db.getSiblingDB("profile1"); var username = "jstests_profile1_user"; db.dropUser(username); db.dropDatabase(); try { db.createUser({user: username, pwd: "password", roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); db.auth(username, "password"); // With pre-created system.profile (capped) db.runCommand({profile: 0}); db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "A"); // Create 32MB profile (capped) collection db.system.profile.drop(); db.createCollection("system.profile", {capped: true, size: 32 * 1024 * 1024}); db.runCommand({profile: 2}); assert.eq(2, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "B"); assert.eq(1, db.system.profile.stats().capped, "C"); db.foo.findOne(); var profileItems = profileCursor().toArray(); // create a msg for later if there is a failure. var msg = ""; profileItems.forEach(function(d) { msg += "profile doc: " + d.ns + " " + d.op + " " + tojson(d.query ? d.query : d.command) + '\n'; }); msg += tojson(db.system.profile.stats()); // If these nunmbers don't match, it is possible the collection has rolled over // (set to 32MB above in the hope this doesn't happen) assert.eq(2, profileItems.length, "E2 -- " + msg); // Make sure we can't drop if profiling is still on assert.throws(function(z) { db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); }); // With pre-created system.profile (un-capped) db.runCommand({profile: 0}); db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "F"); db.createCollection("system.profile"); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: 2}).ok); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "G"); assert(!db.system.profile.stats().capped, "G1"); // With no system.profile collection db.runCommand({profile: 0}); db.getCollection("system.profile").drop(); assert.eq(0, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "H"); db.runCommand({profile: 2}); assert.eq(2, db.runCommand({profile: -1}).was, "I"); assert.eq(1, db.system.profile.stats().capped, "J"); resetProfile(2); db.profile1.drop(); var q = {_id: 5}; var u = {$inc: {x: 1}}; db.profile1.update(q, u); var r = profileCursor({ns: db.profile1.getFullName()}).sort({$natural: -1})[0]; assert.eq({q: q, u: u, multi: false, upsert: false}, r.command, tojson(r)); assert.eq("update", r.op, tojson(r)); assert.eq("profile1.profile1", r.ns, tojson(r)); } finally { // disable profiling for subsequent tests assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand({profile: 0})); db = stddb; } }());