// @tags: [ // assumes_superuser_permissions, // creates_and_authenticates_user, // ] // special db so that it can be run in parallel tests var stddb = db; var db = db.getSisterDB("profile3"); db.dropAllUsers(); t = db.profile3; t.drop(); profileCursor = function(query) { print("----"); query = query || {}; Object.extend(query, {user: username + "@" + db.getName()}); return db.system.profile.find(query); }; try { username = "jstests_profile3_user"; db.createUser({user: username, pwd: "password", roles: jsTest.basicUserRoles}); db.auth(username, "password"); db.setProfilingLevel(0); db.system.profile.drop(); assert.eq(0, profileCursor().count()); db.setProfilingLevel(2); db.createCollection(t.getName()); t.insert({x: 1}); t.findOne({x: 1}); t.find({x: 1}).count(); t.update({x: 1}, {$inc: {a: 1}, $set: {big: Array(128).toString()}}); t.update({x: 1}, {$inc: {a: 1}}); t.update({x: 0}, {$inc: {a: 1}}); profileCursor().forEach(printjson); db.setProfilingLevel(0); assert.eq(profileCursor({nMatched: {$exists: 1}}).count(), 3); assert.eq(profileCursor({nMatched: 1}).count(), 2); assert.eq(profileCursor({nMatched: 0}).count(), 1); if (db.serverStatus().storageEngine.name == "mmapv1") { assert.eq(profileCursor({nmoved: 1}).count(), 1); } db.system.profile.drop(); } finally { db.setProfilingLevel(0); db = stddb; }