t = db.regex2; t.drop(); t.save({a: "test"}); t.save({a: "Test"}); assert.eq(2, t.find().count(), "A"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: "Test"}).count(), "B"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: "test"}).count(), "C"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: /Test/}).count(), "D"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: /test/}).count(), "E"); assert.eq(2, t.find({a: /test/i}).count(), "F"); t.drop(); a = "\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442"; b = "\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442"; assert((new RegExp(a)).test(a), "B 1"); assert(!(new RegExp(a)).test(b), "B 2"); assert((new RegExp(a, "i")).test(b), "B 3 "); t.save({a: a}); t.save({a: b}); assert.eq(2, t.find().count(), "C A"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: a}).count(), "C B"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: b}).count(), "C C"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: new RegExp(a)}).count(), "C D"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: new RegExp(b)}).count(), "C E"); assert.eq( 2, t.find({a: new RegExp(a, "i")}).count(), "C F is spidermonkey built with UTF-8 support?"); // same tests as above but using {$regex: "a|b", $options: "imx"} syntax. t.drop(); t.save({a: "test"}); t.save({a: "Test"}); assert.eq(2, t.find().count(), "obj A"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$regex: "Test"}}).count(), "obj D"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$regex: "test"}}).count(), "obj E"); assert.eq(2, t.find({a: {$regex: "test", $options: "i"}}).count(), "obj F"); assert.eq(2, t.find({a: {$options: "i", $regex: "test"}}).count(), "obj F rev"); // both orders should work t.drop(); a = "\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442"; b = "\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442"; t.save({a: a}); t.save({a: b}); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$regex: a}}).count(), "obj C D"); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$regex: b}}).count(), "obj C E"); assert.eq(2, t.find({a: {$regex: a, $options: "i"}}).count(), "obj C F is spidermonkey built with UTF-8 support?"); // Test s (DOT_ALL) option. Not supported with /regex/opts syntax t.drop(); t.save({a: '1 2'}); t.save({a: '1\n2'}); assert.eq(1, t.find({a: {$regex: '1.*2'}}).count()); assert.eq(2, t.find({a: {$regex: '1.*2', $options: 's'}}).count());