// Sanity test for removing documents with adjacent index keys. SERVER-2008 t = db.jstests_removec; t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( { a:1 } ); /** @return an array containing a sequence of numbers from i to i + 10. */ function runStartingWith( i ) { ret = []; for( j = 0; j < 11; ++j ) { ret.push( i + j ); } return ret; } // Insert some documents with adjacent index keys. for( i = 0; i < 1100; i += 11 ) { t.save( { a:runStartingWith( i ) } ); } // Remove and then reinsert random documents in the background. s = startParallelShell( 't = db.jstests_removec;' + 'for( j = 0; j < 1000; ++j ) {' + ' o = t.findOne( { a:Random.randInt( 1100 ) } );' + ' t.remove( { _id:o._id } );' + ' t.insert( o );' + '}' ); // Find operations are error free. Note that the cursor throws if it detects the $err // field in the returned document. for( i = 0; i < 200; ++i ) { t.find( { a:{ $gte:0 } } ).hint( { a:1 } ).itcount(); } s(); t.drop();