// SERVER-9547 // Test that sorting with .max() and .min() doesn't crash. var t = db.server9547; t.drop(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { t.save({a: i}); } t.ensureIndex({a: 1}); // note: max() value is exclusive upper bound assert.eq(4, t.find({}).max({a: 4}).hint({a: 1}).toArray().length, "no order"); // Ascending order is fine. assert.eq(4, t.find({}).max({a: 4}).sort({a: 1}).hint({a: 1}).toArray().length, "ascending"); // Descending order is fine. assert.eq(4, t.find({}).max({a: 4}).sort({a: -1}).hint({a: 1}).toArray().length, "descending");