// Check sorting of array sub field SERVER-480. t = db.jstests_sort7; t.drop(); // Compare indexed and unindexed sort order for an array embedded field. t.save({a: [{x: 2}]}); t.save({a: [{x: 1}]}); t.save({a: [{x: 3}]}); unindexed = t.find().sort({"a.x": 1}).toArray(); t.ensureIndex({"a.x": 1}); indexed = t.find().sort({"a.x": 1}).hint({"a.x": 1}).toArray(); assert.eq(unindexed, indexed); // Now check when there are two objects in the array. t.remove({}); t.save({a: [{x: 2}, {x: 3}]}); t.save({a: [{x: 1}, {x: 4}]}); t.save({a: [{x: 3}, {x: 2}]}); unindexed = t.find().sort({"a.x": 1}).toArray(); t.ensureIndex({"a.x": 1}); indexed = t.find().sort({"a.x": 1}).hint({"a.x": 1}).toArray(); assert.eq(unindexed, indexed);