// @tags: [ // assumes_superuser_permissions, // # Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because the "splitVector" command cannot be run // # on a sharded collection // assumes_unsharded_collection, // # rollbacks make WT RecordStore dataSize go out of sync, which negatively impacts the // # splitVector calculations. // does_not_support_stepdowns, // # splitVector command is not available on embedded // incompatible_with_embedded, // requires_collstats, // requires_fastcount, // ] // ------------------------- // SPLITVECTOR TEST UTILS // ------------------------- // ------------------------- // assertChunkSizes verifies that a given 'splitVec' divides the 'test.jstest_splitvector' // collection in 'maxChunkSize' approximately-sized chunks. Its asserts fail otherwise. // @param splitVec: an array with keys for field 'x' // e.g. [ { x : 1927 }, { x : 3855 }, ... // @param numDocs: domain of 'x' field // e.g. 20000 // @param maxChunkSize is in MBs. // assertChunkSizes = function(splitVec, numDocs, maxChunkSize, msg) { splitVec = [{x: -1}].concat(splitVec); splitVec.push({x: numDocs + 1}); for (i = 0; i < splitVec.length - 1; i++) { min = splitVec[i]; max = splitVec[i + 1]; var avgObjSize = db.jstests_splitvector.stats().avgObjSize; size = db.runCommand({datasize: "test.jstests_splitvector", min: min, max: max}).size; // It is okay for the last chunk to be smaller. A collection's size does not // need to be exactly a multiple of maxChunkSize. if (i < splitVec.length - 2) { // We are within one object of the correct chunk size. assert.lt(Math.abs(maxChunkSize - size), avgObjSize, "A" + i); } else { assert.gt(maxChunkSize, size, "A" + i, msg + "b"); } } }; // Takes two documents and asserts that both contain exactly the same set of field names. // This is useful for checking that splitPoints have the same format as the original key pattern, // even when sharding on a prefix key. // Not very efficient, so only call when # of field names is small var assertFieldNamesMatch = function(splitPoint, keyPattern) { for (var p in splitPoint) { if (splitPoint.hasOwnProperty(p)) { assert(keyPattern.hasOwnProperty(p), "property " + p + " not in keyPattern"); } } for (var p in keyPattern) { if (keyPattern.hasOwnProperty(p)) { assert(splitPoint.hasOwnProperty(p), "property " + p + " not in splitPoint"); } } }; var resetCollection = function() { f.drop(); }; // Inserts numDocs into the given collection using a bulk operation. Each document's x value is its // index within the batch, starting from 1, and the y value is the given filler. let bulkInsertDocs = function(coll, numDocs, filler) { const bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (let i = 1; i <= numDocs; i++) { bulk.insert({x: i, y: filler}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); }; // Inserts numDocs into the given collection using a bulk operation. Each document's x value is set // to the given xVal and the y value is the given filler. let bulkInsertDocsFixedX = function(coll, numDocs, filler, xVal) { const bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (let i = 1; i <= numDocs; i++) { bulk.insert({x: xVal, y: filler}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); }; // ------------------------- // TESTS START HERE // ------------------------- f = db.jstests_splitvector; resetCollection(); // ------------------------- // Case 1: missing parameters assert.eq(false, db.runCommand({splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector"}).ok, "1a"); assert.eq( false, db.runCommand({splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", maxChunkSize: 1}).ok, "1b"); // ------------------------- // Case 2: missing index assert.eq( false, db.runCommand({splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1}) .ok, "2"); // ------------------------- // Case 3: empty collection f.createIndex({x: 1}); assert.eq( [], db.runCommand({splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1}) .splitKeys, "3"); // ------------------------- // Case 4: uniform collection resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1}); var case4 = function() { // Get baseline document size filler = ""; while (filler.length < 500) filler += "a"; f.save({x: 0, y: filler}); docSize = db.runCommand({datasize: "test.jstests_splitvector"}).size; assert.gt(docSize, 500, "4a"); // Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize let numDocs = 4500; bulkInsertDocs(f, numDocs - 1, filler); // 1 document was already inserted. res = db.runCommand( {splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1}); // splitVector aims at getting half-full chunks after split factor = 0.5; assert.eq(true, res.ok, "4b"); assert.close( numDocs * docSize / ((1 << 20) * factor), res.splitKeys.length, "num split keys", -1); assertChunkSizes(res.splitKeys, numDocs, (1 << 20) * factor, "4d"); for (i = 0; i < res.splitKeys.length; i++) { assertFieldNamesMatch(res.splitKeys[i], {x: 1}); } }; case4(); // ------------------------- // Case 5: limit number of split points resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1}); var case5 = function() { // Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize bulkInsertDocs(f, 4499, filler); res = db.runCommand({ splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1, maxSplitPoints: 1 }); assert.eq(true, res.ok, "5a"); assert.eq(1, res.splitKeys.length, "5b"); for (i = 0; i < res.splitKeys.length; i++) { assertFieldNamesMatch(res.splitKeys[i], {x: 1}); } }; case5(); // ------------------------- // Case 6: limit number of objects in a chunk resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1}); var case6 = function() { // Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize bulkInsertDocs(f, 1999, filler); res = db.runCommand({ splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1, maxChunkObjects: 500 }); assert.eq(true, res.ok, "6a"); assert.eq(3, res.splitKeys.length, "6b"); for (i = 0; i < res.splitKeys.length; i++) { assertFieldNamesMatch(res.splitKeys[i], {x: 1}); } }; case6(); // ------------------------- // Case 7: enough occurances of min key documents to pass the chunk limit // [1111111111111111,2,3) resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1}); var case7 = function() { // Fill collection and get split vector for 1MB maxChunkSize bulkInsertDocsFixedX(f, 2099, filler, 1); bulkInsertDocsFixedX(f, 9, filler, 2); res = db.runCommand( {splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1}); assert.eq(true, res.ok, "7a"); assert.eq(2, res.splitKeys[0].x, "7b"); for (i = 0; i < res.splitKeys.length; i++) { assertFieldNamesMatch(res.splitKeys[i], {x: 1}); } }; case7(); // ------------------------- // Case 8: few occurrances of min key, and enough of some other that we cannot split it // [1, 22222222222222, 3) resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1}); var case8 = function() { bulkInsertDocsFixedX(f, 9, filler, 1); bulkInsertDocsFixedX(f, 2099, filler, 2); bulkInsertDocsFixedX(f, 9, filler, 3); res = db.runCommand( {splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, maxChunkSize: 1}); assert.eq(true, res.ok, "8a"); assert.eq(2, res.splitKeys.length, "8b"); assert.eq(2, res.splitKeys[0].x, "8c"); assert.eq(3, res.splitKeys[1].x, "8d"); for (i = 0; i < res.splitKeys.length; i++) { assertFieldNamesMatch(res.splitKeys[i], {x: 1}); } }; case8(); // ------------------------- // Case 9: splitVector "force" mode, where we split (possible small) chunks in the middle // resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1}); var case9 = function() { f.save({x: 1}); f.save({x: 2}); f.save({x: 3}); assert.eq(3, f.count()); print(f.getFullName()); res = db.runCommand({splitVector: f.getFullName(), keyPattern: {x: 1}, force: true}); assert.eq(true, res.ok, "9a"); assert.eq(1, res.splitKeys.length, "9b"); assert.eq(2, res.splitKeys[0].x, "9c"); if (db.runCommand("hello").msg != "isdbgrid") { res = db.adminCommand( {splitVector: "test.jstests_splitvector", keyPattern: {x: 1}, force: true}); assert.eq(true, res.ok, "9a: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(1, res.splitKeys.length, "9b: " + tojson(res)); assert.eq(2, res.splitKeys[0].x, "9c: " + tojson(res)); for (i = 0; i < res.splitKeys.length; i++) { assertFieldNamesMatch(res.splitKeys[i], {x: 1}); } } }; case9(); // ------------------------- // Repeat all cases using prefix shard key. // resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1}); case4(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: -1, z: 1}); case4(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1}); case5(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: -1, z: 1}); case5(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1}); case6(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: -1, z: 1}); case6(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1}); case7(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: -1, z: 1}); case7(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1}); case8(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: -1, z: 1}); case8(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: 1}); case9(); resetCollection(); f.createIndex({x: 1, y: -1, z: 1}); case9(); print("PASSED");