/** * This test attempts to read from the "local.startup_log" collection and assert that it has an * entry matching the server's response from the "getCmdLineOpts" command. The former operation may * be routed to a secondary in the replica set, whereas the latter must be routed to the primary. * * @tags: [ * assumes_read_preference_unchanged, * requires_collstats, * requires_capped, * ] */ load('jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js'); (function() { 'use strict'; // Check that smallArray is entirely contained by largeArray // returns false if a member of smallArray is not in largeArray function arrayIsSubset(smallArray, largeArray) { for (var i = 0; i < smallArray.length; i++) { if (!Array.contains(largeArray, smallArray[i])) { print("Could not find " + smallArray[i] + " in largeArray"); return false; } } return true; } // Test startup_log var stats = db.getSiblingDB("local").startup_log.stats(); assert(stats.capped); var latestStartUpLog = db.getSiblingDB("local").startup_log.find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1).next(); var serverStatus = db._adminCommand("serverStatus"); var cmdLine = db._adminCommand("getCmdLineOpts").parsed; // Test that the startup log has the expected keys var verbose = false; var expectedKeys = ["_id", "hostname", "startTime", "startTimeLocal", "cmdLine", "pid", "buildinfo"]; var keys = Object.keySet(latestStartUpLog); assert(arrayEq(expectedKeys, keys, verbose), 'startup_log keys failed'); // Tests _id implicitly - should be comprised of host-timestamp // Setup expected startTime and startTimeLocal from the supplied timestamp var _id = latestStartUpLog._id.split('-'); // _id should consist of host-timestamp var _idUptime = _id.pop(); var _idHost = _id.join('-'); var uptimeSinceEpochRounded = Math.floor(_idUptime / 1000) * 1000; var startTime = new Date(uptimeSinceEpochRounded); // Expected startTime assert.eq(_idHost, latestStartUpLog.hostname, "Hostname doesn't match one from _id"); assert.eq(serverStatus.host.split(':')[0], latestStartUpLog.hostname, "Hostname doesn't match one in server status"); assert.closeWithinMS(startTime, latestStartUpLog.startTime, "StartTime doesn't match one from _id", 2000); // Expect less than 2 sec delta assert.eq(cmdLine, latestStartUpLog.cmdLine, "cmdLine doesn't match that from getCmdLineOpts"); assert.eq(serverStatus.pid, latestStartUpLog.pid, "pid doesn't match that from serverStatus"); // Test buildinfo var buildinfo = db.runCommand("buildinfo"); delete buildinfo.ok; // Delete extra meta info not in startup_log delete buildinfo.operationTime; // Delete extra meta info not in startup_log delete buildinfo.$clusterTime; // Delete extra meta info not in startup_log delete buildinfo.lastCommittedOpTime; // Delete extra meta info not in startup_log (only returned // by shardsvrs) var hello = db._adminCommand("hello"); // Test buildinfo has the expected keys var expectedKeys = [ "version", "gitVersion", "allocator", "versionArray", "javascriptEngine", "openssl", "buildEnvironment", "debug", "maxBsonObjectSize", "bits", "modules" ]; var keys = Object.keySet(latestStartUpLog.buildinfo); // Disabled to check assert(arrayIsSubset(expectedKeys, keys), "buildinfo keys failed! \n expected:\t" + expectedKeys + "\n actual:\t" + keys); assert.eq( buildinfo, latestStartUpLog.buildinfo, "buildinfo doesn't match that from buildinfo command"); // Test version and version Array var version = latestStartUpLog.buildinfo.version.split('-')[0]; var versionArray = latestStartUpLog.buildinfo.versionArray; var versionArrayCleaned = versionArray.slice(0, 3); if (versionArray[3] == -100) { versionArrayCleaned[2] -= 1; } assert.eq(serverStatus.version, latestStartUpLog.buildinfo.version, "Mongo version doesn't match that from ServerStatus"); assert.eq( version, versionArrayCleaned.join('.'), "version doesn't match that from the versionArray"); var jsEngine = latestStartUpLog.buildinfo.javascriptEngine; assert((jsEngine == "none") || jsEngine.startsWith("mozjs")); assert.eq(hello.maxBsonObjectSize, latestStartUpLog.buildinfo.maxBsonObjectSize, "maxBsonObjectSize doesn't match one from hello"); })();