// // When a $text query includes an additional predicate that can be covered with a suffix of a $text // index, we expect the query planner to attach that predicate as a "filter" to the TEXT_OR or OR // stage, so that it can be used to filter non-matching documents without fetching them. // // SERVER-26833 changes how the text index is searched in the case when the projection does not // include the 'textScore' meta field, so we are adding this test to ensure that we still get the // same covered matching behavior with and without 'textScore' in the projection. // load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); (function() { "use strict"; const coll = db.text_covered_matching; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: "text", b: 1})); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: "hello", b: 1, c: 1})); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: "world", b: 2, c: 2})); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: "hello world", b: 3, c: 3})); // // Test the query {$text: {$search: "hello"}, b: 1} with and without the 'textScore' in the // output. // // Expected result: // - We examine two keys, for the two documents with "hello" in their text; // - we examine only one document, because covered matching rejects the index entry for // which b != 1; // - we return exactly one document. let explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, b: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert(planHasStage(explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan, "OR")); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // When we include the text score in the projection, we use a TEXT_OR instead of an OR in our // query plan, which changes how filtering is done. We should get the same result, however. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, b: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, textScore: {$meta: "textScore"}}) .explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert(planHasStage(explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan, "TEXT_OR")); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // // Test the query {$text: {$search: "hello"}, c: 1} with and without the 'textScore' in the // output. // // Expected result: // - We examine two keys, for the two documents with "hello" in their text; // - we examine more than just the matching document, because we need to fetch documents in // order to examine the non-covered 'c' field; // - we return exactly one document. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, c: 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert(planHasStage(explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan, "OR")); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.gt(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // As before, including the text score in the projection changes how filtering occurs, but we // still expect the same result. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, c: 1}, {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, textScore: {$meta: "textScore"}}) .explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.gt(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // // Test the first query again, but this time, use dotted fields to make sure they don't confuse // the query planner: // {$text: {$search: "hello"}, "b.d": 1} // coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({a: "text", "b.d": 1})); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: "hello", b: {d: 1}, c: {e: 1}})); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: "world", b: {d: 2}, c: {e: 2}})); assert.writeOK(coll.insert({a: "hello world", b: {d: 3}, c: {e: 3}})); // Expected result: // - We examine two keys, for the two documents with "hello" in their text; // - we examine only one document, because covered matching rejects the index entry for // which b != 1; // - we return exactly one document. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, "b.d": 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert(planHasStage(explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan, "OR")); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // When we include the text score in the projection, we use a TEXT_OR instead of an OR in our // query plan, which changes how filtering is done. We should get the same result, however. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, "b.d": 1}, {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, textScore: {$meta: "textScore"}}) .explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert(planHasStage(explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan, "TEXT_OR")); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // // Test the second query again, this time with dotted fields: // {$text: {$search: "hello"}, "c.e": 1} // // Expected result: // - We examine two keys, for the two documents with "hello" in their text; // - we examine more than just the matching document, because we need to fetch documents in // order to examine the non-covered 'c' field; // - we return exactly one document. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, "c.e": 1}).explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert(planHasStage(explainResult.queryPlanner.winningPlan, "OR")); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.gt(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); // As before, including the text score in the projection changes how filtering occurs, but we // still expect the same result. explainResult = coll.find({$text: {$search: "hello"}, "c.e": 1}, {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, textScore: {$meta: "textScore"}}) .explain("executionStats"); assert.commandWorked(explainResult); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.totalKeysExamined, 2, "Unexpected number of keys examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.gt(explainResult.executionStats.totalDocsExamined, 1, "Unexpected number of documents examined: " + tojson(explainResult)); assert.eq(explainResult.executionStats.nReturned, 1, "Unexpected number of results returned: " + tojson(explainResult)); })();