/** * Tests that $_internalBoundedSort uses the same equality comparator as $sort. * * @tags: [ * requires_fcv_60, * # Cannot insert into a time-series collection in a multi-document transaction. * does_not_support_transactions, * # Refusing to run a test that issues an aggregation command with explain because it may return * # incomplete results if interrupted by a stepdown. * does_not_support_stepdowns, * # Explain of a resolved view must be executed by mongos. * directly_against_shardsvrs_incompatible, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load('jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js'); load("jstests/core/timeseries/libs/timeseries.js"); if (!TimeseriesTest.bucketUnpackWithSortEnabled(db.getMongo())) { jsTestLog("Skipping test because 'BucketUnpackWithSort' is disabled."); return; } const coll = db.timeseries_internal_bounded_sort_compound_mixed_types; const buckets = db['system.buckets.' + coll.getName()]; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.createCollection(coll.getName(), { timeseries: {timeField: 't', metaField: 'm'}, collation: {locale: 'en_US', strength: 2}, })); const bucketMaxSpanSeconds = db.getCollectionInfos({name: coll.getName()})[0].options.timeseries.bucketMaxSpanSeconds; // For each interesting value, insert two events: // {m: , t: } // {m: , t: } // The 't' values are globally unique, so that a sort on {m, t} has only one valid outcome. // This lets us compare naive vs optimized query results directly. // We insert two events per 'm' value so we can tell whether two 'm' values tied or not: // the events will be interleaved if (and only if) the 'm' values tied. { const epoch = ISODate('1970-01-01'); // Pick values with interesting equality behavior. let interestingValues = [ // Strings that differ only by case. 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', // Arrays whose highest or lowest element is equal. [5], [5, 99], [99], // Objects that differ only by field order. {x: 1, y: 2}, {y: 2, x: 1}, // Numbers that differ only by type. 7, NumberInt(7), NumberLong(7), NumberDecimal(7), // A variety of values that are "empty" somehow. // Missing can't be represented as a JS value--handled later. null, // Undefined is not supported: // "The $_internalUnpackBucket stage allows metadata to be absent or otherwise, it must not // be the deprecated undefined bson type", code 5369600. // undefined, [], {}, "", ]; // Also wrap each interesting value in an object or array. // Some values that are "equal" at the top level may be distinguished when wrapped this way. const arrayWrapped = interestingValues.map(v => [v]); const objectWrapped = interestingValues.map(v => ({w: v})); interestingValues = interestingValues.concat(arrayWrapped).concat(objectWrapped); let docs = []; // Each event's _id is an autoincrementing number, and its timestamp is epoch + _id. // Run through the interesting values twice to ensure each one has two events. // Do this in the outer loop to ensure all the intervals overlap. for (const _ of [1, 2]) { for (const m of interestingValues) { docs.push({_id: docs.length, m, t: new Date(+epoch + docs.length)}); } // Handle 'missing'. docs.push({_id: docs.length, t: new Date(+epoch + docs.length)}); } assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(docs)); printjson(buckets.find({}, {_id: 0, meta: 1}).sort({meta: 1}).toArray()); const numInterestingValues = 1 + interestingValues.length; // +1 for missing. // Some of these interestingValues may be considered equal for bucketing purposes, so // we can get fewer than numInterestingValues buckets. But if we get more buckets than expected, // that probably means our timestamps are too far apart, which could lead to this test passing // for the wrong reason. assert.lte(buckets.count(), numInterestingValues, `Expected no more than numInterestingValues (${numInterestingValues}) buckets`); } const unpackStage = getAggPlanStage(coll.explain().aggregate(), '$_internalUnpackBucket'); function runTest(sortSpec) { assert.eq(['m', 't'], Object.keys(sortSpec), 'Expected a compound sort on {m: _, t: _}'); assert.contains(sortSpec.m, [-1, +1]); assert.contains(sortSpec.t, [-1, +1]); const naiveQuery = [ unpackStage, {$_internalInhibitOptimization: {}}, {$sort: sortSpec}, ]; const naive = buckets.aggregate(naiveQuery).toArray(); const optFromMinQuery = [ { $sort: { 'meta': sortSpec.m, 'control.min.t': sortSpec.t, } }, unpackStage, { $_internalBoundedSort: { sortKey: sortSpec, // Use a much looser bound than necessary, to exercise the partitioning logic more. // With such a loose bound, events are only released due to a partition boundary, // never a bucket boundary. bound: {base: "min", offset: -sortSpec.t * 10 * bucketMaxSpanSeconds}, } }, ]; const optFromMin = buckets.aggregate(optFromMinQuery).toArray(); assert.eq(naive, optFromMin); const optFromMaxQuery = [ { $sort: { 'meta': sortSpec.m, 'control.max.t': sortSpec.t, } }, unpackStage, { $_internalBoundedSort: { sortKey: sortSpec, // Use a much looser bound than necessary, to exercise the partitioning logic more. // With such a loose bound, events are only released due to a partition boundary, // never a bucket boundary. bound: {base: "max", offset: -sortSpec.t * 10 * bucketMaxSpanSeconds}, } }, ]; const optFromMax = buckets.aggregate(optFromMaxQuery).toArray(); assert.eq(naive, optFromMax); } runTest({m: +1, t: +1}); runTest({m: +1, t: -1}); runTest({m: -1, t: +1}); runTest({m: -1, t: -1}); })();