/** * Checks that top removes entries after dropping a collection or database. * * @tags: [ * assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos, * requires_non_retryable_writes, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; let topDB = db.getSiblingDB("topdrop"); assert.commandWorked(topDB.dropDatabase()); // Asserts that the output of top contains exactly these collection entries for topDB. function checkTopEntries(expectedEntries) { let res = topDB.adminCommand("top"); if (!res.ok) { assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, [ErrorCodes.BSONObjectTooLarge, 13548]); return; } let entriesInTop = Object.keys(res.totals).filter(function(ns) { // This filter only includes non-system collections in our test database. const tenantId = topDB.getName() + "."; const systemCollectionPrefix = "system."; return ns.startsWith(tenantId) && !ns.startsWith(tenantId + systemCollectionPrefix); }); let expectedEntryNames = expectedEntries.map(function(coll) { return coll.getFullName(); }); const entriesAreEqual = friendlyEqual(entriesInTop.sort(), expectedEntryNames.sort()); if (!entriesAreEqual) { // TODO(SERVER-26750): This block can be removed once SERVER-26750 is resolved. jsTest.log("Warning: expected to see " + tojson(expectedEntryNames) + " in top, but got " + tojson(entriesInTop)); assert.lt(expectedEntryNames.length, entriesInTop.length, "Fewer entries in top than expected; got " + tojson(entriesInTop) + " but expected " + tojson(expectedEntryNames) + "\nFull top output:\n" + tojson(res.totals)); // We allow an unexpected entry in top if the insert counter has been cleared. This is // probably due to a background job releasing an AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand for // that collection. entriesInTop.forEach(function(coll) { if (expectedEntryNames.includes(coll)) { return; } let topStats = res.totals[coll]; assert.eq(0, res.totals[coll].insert.count, coll + " has unexpected insert entries in top. Full top output:\n" + tojson(res.totals)); }); } } // Create a few entries in top. assert.commandWorked(topDB.coll1.insert({})); assert.commandWorked(topDB.coll2.insert({})); assert.commandWorked(topDB.coll3.insert({})); checkTopEntries([topDB.coll1, topDB.coll2, topDB.coll3]); // Check that dropping a collection removes that collection but leaves the others. assert.commandWorked(topDB.runCommand({drop: "coll3"})); checkTopEntries([topDB.coll1, topDB.coll2]); // Check that dropping the database removes the remaining collections. assert.commandWorked(topDB.dropDatabase()); checkTopEntries([]); // Check that top doesn't keep state about non-existent collections. assert.commandWorked(topDB.dropDatabase()); topDB.foo.find().itcount(); topDB.baz.update({}, {$set: {a: 1}}); topDB.bar.remove({}); checkTopEntries([]); assert.commandWorked(topDB.dropDatabase()); }());