// @tags: [ // # Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of not being able to create unique // # index using hashed shard key pattern. // cannot_create_unique_index_when_using_hashed_shard_key, // requires_fastcount, // // # Uses index building in background // requires_background_index, // ] (function() { "use strict"; var res; let t = db.jstests_uniqueness; t.drop(); // test uniqueness of _id res = t.save({_id: 3}); assert.commandWorked(res); // this should yield an error res = t.insert({_id: 3}); assert.writeError(res); assert.eq(1, t.count()); res = t.insert({_id: 4, x: 99}); assert.commandWorked(res); // this should yield an error res = t.update({_id: 4}, {_id: 3, x: 99}); assert.writeError(res); assert(t.findOne({_id: 4})); // Check for an error message when we index and there are dups db.jstests_uniqueness2.drop(); db.jstests_uniqueness2.insert({a: 3}); db.jstests_uniqueness2.insert({a: 3}); assert.eq(2, db.jstests_uniqueness2.count()); res = db.jstests_uniqueness2.ensureIndex({a: 1}, true); assert.commandFailed(res); assert(res.errmsg.match(/E11000/)); // Check for an error message when we index in the background and there are dups db.jstests_uniqueness2.drop(); db.jstests_uniqueness2.insert({a: 3}); db.jstests_uniqueness2.insert({a: 3}); assert.eq(2, db.jstests_uniqueness2.count()); res = db.jstests_uniqueness2.ensureIndex({a: 1}, {unique: true, background: true}); assert.commandFailed(res); assert(res.errmsg.match(/E11000/)); // Verify that duplicate key errors follow a fixed format, including field information. const coll = db.checkDupErrorMessage; const key = { _id: 1 }; const expectedMessage = 'E11000 duplicate key error collection: ' + coll + ' index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 1.0 }'; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(key)); res = coll.insert(key); assert.commandFailedWithCode(res, ErrorCodes.DuplicateKey); assert.eq(res.nInserted, 0, tojson(res)); const writeError = res.getWriteError(); assert.eq(writeError.errmsg, expectedMessage, "The duplicate key error message must exactly match." + tojson(res)); /* Check that if we update and remove _id, it gets added back by the DB */ /* - test when object grows */ t.drop(); t.save({_id: 'Z'}); t.update({}, {k: 2}); assert.eq('Z', t.findOne()._id, "uniqueness.js problem with adding back _id"); /* - test when doesn't grow */ t.drop(); t.save({_id: 'Z', k: 3}); t.update({}, {k: 2}); assert.eq('Z', t.findOne()._id, "uniqueness.js problem with adding back _id (2)"); })();