// This test checks validation of the replaced doc (on the server) for dots, $prefix and _id // Create a new connection object so it won't affect the global connection when we modify // it's settings. var conn = new Mongo(db.getMongo().host); conn.forceWriteMode(db.getMongo().writeMode()); t = conn.getDB(db.getName()).jstests_update_replace; t.drop(); var myDB = t.getDB(); var res; // Bypass validation in shell so we can test the server. conn._skipValidation = true; // Should not allow "." in field names res = t.save({_id:1, "a.a":1}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "a.a"); // Should not allow "." in field names, embedded res = t.save({_id:1, a :{"a.a":1}}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "a: a.a"); // Should not allow "$"-prefixed field names, caught before "." check res = t.save({_id:1, $a :{"a.a":1}}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "$a: a.a"); // Should not allow "$"-prefixed field names res = t.save({_id:1, $a: 1}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "$a"); // _id validation checks // Should not allow regex _id res = t.save({_id: /a/}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "_id regex"); // Should not allow regex _id, even if not first res = t.save({a:2, _id: /a/}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "a _id regex"); // Should not allow array _id res = t.save({_id: [9]}) assert(res.hasWriteError(), "_id array"); // This is fine since _id isn't a top level field res = t.save({a :{ _id: [9]}}) assert(!res.hasWriteError(), "embedded _id array"); // This is fine since _id isn't a top level field res = t.save({b:1, a :{ _id: [9]}}) assert(!res.hasWriteError(), "b embedded _id array");