// In SERVER-12848, it was shown that validation fails for certain types of updates // because the validate code was attempting to validate field names in array. Mutable // doesn't offer guarantees about the examined field name of array elements, only of the // field name of array elements when serialized. This is a regression test to // check that the new validation logic doesn't attempt to validate field names. var res; var t = db.update_server_12848; t.drop(); var orig = {"_id": 1, "a": [1, []]}; res = t.insert(orig); assert.writeOK(res, "insert"); assert.eq(orig, t.findOne()); res = t.update({"_id": 1}, {$addToSet: {"a.1": 1}}); assert.writeOK(res, "update"); var updated = {"_id": 1, "a": [1, [1]]}; assert.eq(updated, t.findOne());