// The positional operator allows an update modifier field path to contain a sentinel ('$') path // part that is replaced with the numeric position of an array element matched by the update's query // spec. // If no array element position from a query is available to substitute for the positional operator // setinel ('$'), the update fails with an error. SERVER-6669 SERVER-4713 var res; t = db.jstests_updatel; t.drop(); // The collection is empty, forcing an upsert. In this case the query has no array position match // to substiture for the positional operator. SERVER-4713 assert.writeError(t.update({}, {$set: {'a.$.b': 1}}, true)); assert.eq(0, t.count(), "No upsert occurred."); // Save a document to the collection so it is no longer empty. assert.writeOK(t.save({_id: 0})); // Now, with an existing document, trigger an update rather than an upsert. The query has no array // position match to substiture for the positional operator. SERVER-6669 assert.writeError(t.update({}, {$set: {'a.$.b': 1}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred."); // Now, try with an update by _id (without a query array match). assert.writeError(t.update({_id: 0}, {$set: {'a.$.b': 1}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred."); // Seed the collection with a document suitable for the following check. assert.writeOK(t.remove({})); assert.writeOK(t.save({_id: 0, a: [{b: {c: 1}}]})); // Now, attempt to apply an update with two nested positional operators. There is a positional // query match for the first positional operator but not the second. Note that dollar sign // substitution for multiple positional opertors is not implemented (SERVER-831). assert.writeError(t.update({'a.b.c': 1}, {$set: {'a.$.b.$.c': 2}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0, a: [{b: {c: 1}}]}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred."); // SERVER-1155 test an update with the positional operator // that has a regex in the query field t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({_id: 1, arr: [{a: "z", b: 1}]})); assert.writeOK(t.update({"arr.a": /^z$/}, {$set: {"arr.$.b": 2}}, false, true)); assert.eq(t.findOne().arr[0], {a: "z", b: 2}); t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({_id: 1, arr: [{a: "z", b: 1}, {a: "abc", b: 2}, {a: "lmn", b: 3}]})); assert.writeOK(t.update({"arr.a": /l/}, {$inc: {"arr.$.b": 2}}, false, true)); assert.eq(t.findOne().arr[2], {a: "lmn", b: 5}); // Test updates with ambiguous positional operator. t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({_id: 0, a: [1, 2]})); assert.writeError(t.update({$and: [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]}, {$set: {'a.$': 5}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0, a: [1, 2]}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred."); t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({_id: 0, a: [1], b: [2]})); assert.writeError(t.update({a: 1, b: 2}, {$set: {'a.$': 5}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0, a: [1], b: [2]}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred."); t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({_id: 0, a: [1], b: [2]})); assert.writeError(t.update({a: {$elemMatch: {$lt: 2}}, b: 2}, {$set: {'a.$': 5}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0, a: [1], b: [2]}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred."); t.drop(); assert.writeOK(t.insert({_id: 0, a: [{b: 1}, {c: 2}]})); assert.writeError(t.update({'a.b': 1, 'a.c': 2}, {$set: {'a.$': 5}})); assert.eq([{_id: 0, a: [{b: 1}, {c: 2}]}], t.find().toArray(), "No update occurred.");