// Tests toString() in object constructor. // Verifies that native functions do not expose the _native_function and _native_data properties. // @tags: [ // # Uses $where operator // requires_scripting, // ] var t = db.where5; t.drop(); t.save({a: 1}); // Prints information on the document's _id field. function printIdConstructor(doc) { // If doc is undefined, this function is running inside server. if (!doc) { doc = this; } // Verify that function and data fields are hidden. assert(!('_native_function' in sleep)); assert(!('_native_data' in sleep)); // Predicate for matching document in collection. return true; } print('Running JS function in server...'); assert.eq(t.find({$where: printIdConstructor}).itcount(), 1); print('Running JS function in client...'); var doc = t.findOne(); printIdConstructor(doc);