/** * Tests basic index bounds generation and planning for $** indexes. * * Does not support stepdowns because the test issues getMores, which the stepdown/kill_primary * passthroughs will reject. * * @tags: [ * assumes_balancer_off, * does_not_support_stepdowns, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For getPlanStages. load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For isMongos and numberOfShardsForCollection. // Asserts that the given cursors produce identical result sets. function assertResultsEq(cursor1, cursor2) { while (cursor1.hasNext()) { assert(cursor2.hasNext()); assert.eq(cursor1.next()._id, cursor2.next()._id); } assert(!cursor2.hasNext()); } const coll = db.wildcard_index_bounds; coll.drop(); // Template document which defines the 'schema' of the documents in the test collection. const templateDoc = { a: 0, b: {c: 0, d: {e: 0}, f: {}} }; const pathList = ['a', 'b.c', 'b.d.e', 'b.f']; // Insert a set of documents into the collection, based on the template document and populated // with an increasing sequence of values. This is to ensure that the range of values present for // each field in the dataset is not entirely homogeneous. for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { (function populateDoc(doc, value) { for (let key in doc) { if (typeof doc[key] === 'object') value = populateDoc(doc[key], value); else doc[key] = value++; } return value; })(templateDoc, i); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(templateDoc)); } // For sharded passthroughs, we need to know the number of shards occupied by the collection. const numShards = FixtureHelpers.numberOfShardsForCollection(coll); // Set of operations which will be applied to each field in the index in turn. If the 'bounds' // property is null, this indicates that the operation is not supported by $** indexes. The // 'subpathBounds' property indicates whether the bounds for '$_path' are supposed to contain // all subpaths rather than a single point-interval, i.e. ["path.to.field.", "path.to.field/"). const operationList = [ {expression: {$gte: 3}, bounds: ['[3.0, inf.0]']}, {expression: {$gt: 3}, bounds: ['(3.0, inf.0]']}, {expression: {$lt: 7}, bounds: ['[-inf.0, 7.0)']}, {expression: {$lte: 7}, bounds: ['[-inf.0, 7.0]']}, {expression: {$eq: 5}, bounds: ['[5.0, 5.0]']}, { expression: {$in: [3, 5, 7, 9]}, bounds: ['[3.0, 3.0]', '[5.0, 5.0]', '[7.0, 7.0]', '[9.0, 9.0]'] }, {expression: {$exists: true}, bounds: ['[MinKey, MaxKey]'], subpathBounds: true}, {expression: {$gte: MinKey, $lte: MaxKey}, bounds: ['[MinKey, MaxKey]'], subpathBounds: true}, {expression: {$exists: false}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$eq: null}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$eq: {abc: 1}}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$lt: {abc: 1}}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$ne: {abc: 1}}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$lt: {abc: 1}, $gt: {abc: 1}}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$in: [{abc: 1}, 1, 2, 3]}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$in: [null, 1, 2, 3]}, bounds: null}, {expression: {$ne: null}, bounds: ["[MinKey, MaxKey]"], subpathBounds: true}, {expression: {$ne: null, $exists: true}, bounds: ["[MinKey, MaxKey]"], subpathBounds: true}, // In principle we could have tighter bounds for this. See SERVER-36765. {expression: {$eq: null, $exists: true}, bounds: ['[MinKey, MaxKey]'], subpathBounds: true}, {expression: {$eq: []}, bounds: ['[undefined, undefined]', '[[], []]']} ]; // Given a keyPattern and (optional) pathProjection, this function builds a $** index on the // collection and then tests each of the match expression in the 'operationList' on each indexed // field in turn. The 'expectedPaths' argument lists the set of paths which we expect to have // been indexed based on the spec; this function will confirm that only the appropriate paths // are present in the $** index. Finally, for each match expression it will perform a rooted-$or // with one predicate on each expected path, and a rooted $and over all predicates and paths. function runWildcardIndexTest(keyPattern, pathProjection, expectedPaths) { assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked( coll.createIndex(keyPattern, pathProjection ? {wildcardProjection: pathProjection} : {})); // The 'expectedPaths' argument is the set of paths which we expect to be indexed, based on // the keyPattern and projection. Make sure that the caller has provided this argument. assert(expectedPaths); // Verify the expected behaviour for every combination of path and operator. for (let op of operationList) { // Build up a list of operations that will later be used to test rooted $or. const multiFieldPreds = []; const orQueryBounds = []; for (let path of pathList) { // The bounds on '$_path' will always include a point-interval on the path, i.e. // ["path.to.field", "path.to.field"]. If 'subpathBounds' is 'true' for this // operation, then we add bounds that include all subpaths as well, i.e. // ["path.to.field.", "path.to.field/") const pointPathBound = `["${path}", "${path}"]`; const pathBounds = op.subpathBounds ? [pointPathBound, `["${path}.", "${path}/")`] : [pointPathBound]; // {$_path: pathBounds, path.to.field: [[computed bounds]]} const expectedBounds = {$_path: pathBounds, [path]: op.bounds}; const query = {[path]: op.expression}; // Explain the query, and determine whether an indexed solution is available. const ixScans = getPlanStages(getWinningPlan(coll.find(query).explain().queryPlanner), "IXSCAN"); // If we expect the current path to have been excluded based on the $** keyPattern // and projection, or if the current operation is not supported by $** indexes, // confirm that no indexed solution was found. if (!expectedPaths.includes(path) || op.bounds === null) { assert.eq(ixScans.length, 0, () => "Bounds check for operation: " + tojson(op) + " failed. Expected no IXSCAN plans to be generated, but got " + tojson(ixScans)); continue; } // Verify that the winning plan uses the $** index with the expected bounds. assert.eq(ixScans.length, FixtureHelpers.numberOfShardsForCollection(coll)); assert.docEq(ixScans[0].keyPattern, {$_path: 1, [path]: 1}); assert.docEq(ixScans[0].indexBounds, expectedBounds); // Verify that the results obtained from the $** index are identical to a COLLSCAN. // We must explicitly hint the wildcard index, because we also sort on {_id: 1} to // ensure that both result sets are in the same order. assertResultsEq(coll.find(query).sort({_id: 1}).hint(keyPattern), coll.find(query).sort({_id: 1}).hint({$natural: 1})); // Push the query into the $or and $and predicate arrays. orQueryBounds.push(expectedBounds); multiFieldPreds.push(query); } // If the current operation could not use the $** index, skip to the next op. if (multiFieldPreds.length === 0) { continue; } // Perform a rooted $or for this operation across all indexed fields; for instance: // {$or: [{a: {$eq: 25}}, {'b.c': {$eq: 25}}, {'b.d.e': {$eq: 25}}]}. const explainedOr = assert.commandWorked(coll.find({$or: multiFieldPreds}).explain()); // Obtain the list of index bounds from each individual IXSCAN stage across all shards. const ixScanBounds = getPlanStages(getWinningPlan(explainedOr.queryPlanner), "IXSCAN") .map(elem => elem.indexBounds); // We should find that each branch of the $or has used a separate $** sub-index. In the // sharded passthroughs, we expect to have 'orQueryBounds' on each shard. assert.eq(ixScanBounds.length, orQueryBounds.length * numShards); for (let offset = 0; offset < ixScanBounds.length; offset += orQueryBounds.length) { const ixBounds = ixScanBounds.slice(offset, offset + orQueryBounds.length); orQueryBounds.forEach( exBound => assert(ixBounds.some(ixBound => !bsonWoCompare(ixBound, exBound)))); } // Verify that the results obtained from the $** index are identical to a COLLSCAN. assertResultsEq(coll.find({$or: multiFieldPreds}).sort({_id: 1}).hint(keyPattern), coll.find({$or: multiFieldPreds}).sort({_id: 1}).hint({$natural: 1})); // Perform an $and for this operation across all indexed fields; for instance: // {$and: [{a: {$gte: 50}}, {'b.c': {$gte: 50}}, {'b.d.e': {$gte: 50}}]}. const explainedAnd = coll.find({$and: multiFieldPreds}).explain(); const winningIxScan = getPlanStages(getWinningPlan(explainedAnd.queryPlanner), "IXSCAN"); // Extract information about the rejected plans. We should have one IXSCAN for each $** // candidate that wasn't the winner. Before SERVER-36521 banned them for $** indexes, a // number of AND_SORTED plans would also be generated here; we search for these in order // to verify that no such plans now exist. let rejectedIxScans = [], rejectedAndSorted = []; const rejectedPlans = getRejectedPlans(explainedAnd); for (let rejectedPlan of rejectedPlans) { rejectedPlan = getRejectedPlan(rejectedPlan); rejectedAndSorted = rejectedAndSorted.concat(getPlanStages(rejectedPlan, "AND_SORTED")); rejectedIxScans = rejectedIxScans.concat(getPlanStages(rejectedPlan, "IXSCAN")); } // Confirm that no AND_SORTED plans were generated. assert.eq(rejectedAndSorted.length, 0); // We should find that one of the available $** subindexes has been chosen as the // winner, and all other candidate $** indexes are present in 'rejectedPlans'. assert.eq(winningIxScan.length, numShards); assert.eq(rejectedIxScans.length, numShards * (expectedPaths.length - 1)); // Verify that each of the IXSCANs have the expected bounds and $_path key. for (let ixScan of winningIxScan.concat(rejectedIxScans)) { // {$_path: ["['path.to.field', 'path.to.field']"], path.to.field: [[bounds]]} const ixScanPath = JSON.parse(ixScan.indexBounds.$_path[0])[0]; assert.eq(ixScan.indexBounds[ixScanPath], op.bounds); assert(expectedPaths.includes(ixScanPath)); } // Verify that the results obtained from the $** index are identical to a COLLSCAN. assertResultsEq(coll.find({$and: multiFieldPreds}).sort({_id: 1}).hint(keyPattern), coll.find({$and: multiFieldPreds}).sort({_id: 1}).hint({$natural: 1})); } } // Test a $** index that indexes the entire document. runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, null, ['a', 'b.c', 'b.d.e', 'b.f']); // Test a $** index on a single subtree. runWildcardIndexTest({'a.$**': 1}, null, ['a']); runWildcardIndexTest({'b.$**': 1}, null, ['b.c', 'b.d.e', 'b.f']); runWildcardIndexTest({'b.d.$**': 1}, null, ['b.d.e']); // Test a $** index which includes a subset of paths. runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {a: 1}, ['a']); runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {b: 1}, ['b.c', 'b.d.e', 'b.f']); runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {'b.d': 1}, ['b.d.e']); runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {a: 1, 'b.d': 1}, ['a', 'b.d.e']); // Test a $** index which excludes a subset of paths. runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {a: 0}, ['b.c', 'b.d.e', 'b.f']); runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {b: 0}, ['a']); runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {'b.d': 0}, ['a', 'b.c', 'b.f']); runWildcardIndexTest({'$**': 1}, {a: 0, 'b.d': 0}, ['b.c', 'b.f']); })();