/** * Tests that a $** index can provide a DISTINCT_SCAN or indexed solution where appropriate. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For arrayEq. load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For planHasStage and getPlanStages. const assertArrayEq = (l, r) => assert(arrayEq(l, r), tojson(l) + " != " + tojson(r)); const coll = db.all_paths_distinct_scan; coll.drop(); // Records whether the field which we are distinct-ing over is multikey. let distinctFieldIsMultikey = false; // Insert a set of documents into the collection. The 'listOfValues' argument contains values of // various types, and we insert numerous documents containing each of the values. This allows us // to confirm that 'distinct' with a wildcard index (1) can return values of any type, (2) will // only return the set of unique values, and (3) handles multikey values appropriately in cases // where 'listOfValues' includes an array. function insertTestData(fieldName, listOfValues) { distinctFieldIsMultikey = listOfValues.some((val) => Array.isArray(val)); const bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); coll.drop(); for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { const didx = (i % listOfValues.length); bulk.insert({[fieldName]: listOfValues[didx], b: didx, c: (-i)}); } assert.commandWorked(bulk.execute()); } /** * Runs a single wildcard distinct scan test. If 'expectedPath' is non-null, verifies that there * is an indexed solution that uses the $** index with the given path string. If 'expectedPath' * is null, verifies that no indexed solution was found. */ function assertWildcardDistinctScan( {distinctKey, query, pathProjection, expectedScanType, expectedResults, expectedPath}) { // Drop all indexes before running the test. This allows us to perform the distinct with a // COLLSCAN at first, to confirm that the results are as expected. assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); // Confirm that the distinct runs with a COLLSCAN. let winningPlan = coll.explain().distinct(distinctKey, query).queryPlanner.winningPlan; assert(planHasStage(coll.getDB(), winningPlan, "COLLSCAN")); // Run the distinct and confirm that it produces the expected results. assertArrayEq(coll.distinct(distinctKey, query), expectedResults); // Build a wildcard index on the collection and re-run the test. const options = (pathProjection ? {wildcardProjection: pathProjection} : {}); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({"$**": 1}, options)); // We expect the following outcomes for a 'distinct' that attempts to use a $** index: // - No query: COLLSCAN. // - Query for object value on distinct field: COLLSCAN. // - Query for non-object value on non-multikey distinct field: DISTINCT_SCAN. // - Query for non-object value on multikey distinct field: IXSCAN with FETCH. // - Query for non-object value on field other than the distinct field: IXSCAN with FETCH. const fetchIsExpected = (expectedScanType !== "DISTINCT_SCAN"); // Explain the query, and determine whether an indexed solution is available. If // 'expectedPath' is null, then we do not expect the $** index to provide a plan. winningPlan = coll.explain().distinct(distinctKey, query).queryPlanner.winningPlan; if (!expectedPath) { assert(planHasStage(coll.getDB(), winningPlan, "COLLSCAN")); assert.eq(expectedScanType, "COLLSCAN"); return; } // Confirm that the $** distinct scan produces the expected results. assertArrayEq(coll.distinct(distinctKey, query), expectedResults); // Confirm that the $** plan adheres to 'fetchIsExpected' and 'expectedScanType'. assert.eq(planHasStage(coll.getDB(), winningPlan, "FETCH"), fetchIsExpected); assert(planHasStage(coll.getDB(), winningPlan, expectedScanType)); assert.docEq({$_path: 1, [expectedPath]: 1}, getPlanStages(winningPlan, expectedScanType).shift().keyPattern); } // The set of distinct values that should be produced by each of the test listed below. const distinctValues = [1, 2, "3", null, {c: 5, d: 6}, {d: 6, c: 5}, {}, 9, 10, {e: 11}]; // Define the set of values that the distinct field may take. The first test case consists // entirely of non-multikey fields, while the second includes multikey fields. const testCases = [ // Non-multikey field values. { insertField: "a", queryField: "a", fieldValues: [1, 2, "3", null, {c: 5, d: 6}, {d: 6, c: 5}, {}, 9, 10, {e: 11}] }, // Multikey field values. Note that values within arrays are unwrapped by the distinct // scan, and empty arrays are thus not included. { insertField: "a", queryField: "a", fieldValues: [1, 2, "3", null, {c: 5, d: 6}, {d: 6, c: 5}, {}, [], [9, 10], [{e: 11}]] }, // Non-multikey dotted field values. { insertField: "a", queryField: "a.x", fieldValues: [ {x: 1}, {x: 2}, {x: "3"}, {x: null}, {x: {c: 5, d: 6}}, {x: {d: 6, c: 5}}, {x: {}}, {x: 9}, {x: 10}, {x: {e: 11}} ] }, // Multikey dotted field values. { insertField: "a", queryField: "a.x", fieldValues: [ [{x: 1}], [{x: 2}], [{x: "3"}], [{x: null}], [{x: {c: 5, d: 6}}], [{x: {d: 6, c: 5}}], [{x: {}}], [{x: []}], [{x: 9}, {x: 10}], [{x: [{e: 11}]}] ] } ]; // Run all combinations of query, no-query, multikey and non-multikey distinct tests. for (let testCase of testCases) { // Log the start of the test and create the dataset. jsTestLog("Test case: " + tojson(testCase)); insertTestData(testCase.insertField, testCase.fieldValues); // Test that a $** index cannot provide an indexed 'distinct' without a query. assertWildcardDistinctScan({ distinctKey: testCase.queryField, query: {}, expectedScanType: "COLLSCAN", expectedResults: distinctValues, expectedPath: null }); // Test that a $** index can provide an indexed 'distinct' for distinct-key queries. assertWildcardDistinctScan({ distinctKey: testCase.queryField, query: {[testCase.queryField]: {$lt: 3}}, expectedScanType: (distinctFieldIsMultikey ? "IXSCAN" : "DISTINCT_SCAN"), expectedResults: [1, 2], expectedPath: testCase.queryField }); // Test that a $** index can provide an indexed 'distinct' for a query on another field. const offset = Math.floor(testCase.fieldValues.length / 2); assertWildcardDistinctScan({ distinctKey: testCase.queryField, query: {b: {$gte: offset}}, expectedScanType: "IXSCAN", expectedResults: distinctValues.slice(offset), expectedPath: "b" }); // Test that a $** index cannot provide an indexed 'distinct' for object value queries. assertWildcardDistinctScan({ distinctKey: testCase.queryField, query: {[testCase.queryField]: {$gte: {c: 5}}}, expectedScanType: "COLLSCAN", expectedResults: [{c: 5, d: 6}, {d: 6, c: 5}, {e: 11}], expectedPath: null }); // Test that a $** index can provide an indexed 'distinct' for a MinMax query. assertWildcardDistinctScan({ distinctKey: testCase.queryField, query: {[testCase.queryField]: {$gte: MinKey, $lte: MaxKey}}, expectedScanType: "IXSCAN", expectedResults: distinctValues, expectedPath: testCase.queryField }); // Test that a $** index cannot provide an indexed 'distinct' for excluded fields. assertWildcardDistinctScan({ distinctKey: testCase.queryField, query: {c: {$lt: 0}}, pathProjection: {c: 0}, expectedScanType: "COLLSCAN", expectedResults: distinctValues, expectedPath: null }); } })();