/** * Test $** support for the $type operator. * @tags: [ * assumes_read_concern_local, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For getPlanStages. const coll = db.wildcard_index_type; coll.drop(); const indexWildcard = { "$**": 1 }; // Inserts the given document and runs the given query to confirm that: // (1) query matches the given document if match is true, // (2) the winning plan does a wildcard index scan, and // (3) the resulting index bound matches 'expectedBounds' if given. function assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery(doc, query, match, expectedBounds) { coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex(indexWildcard)); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert(doc)); // Check that a wildcard index scan is being used to answer query. const explain = coll.explain("executionStats").find(query).finish(); if (!match) { assert.eq(0, explain.executionStats.nReturned, explain); return; } // Check that the query returns the document. assert.eq(1, explain.executionStats.nReturned, explain); // Winning plan uses a wildcard index scan. const winningPlan = getWinningPlan(explain.queryPlanner); const ixScans = getPlanStages(winningPlan, "IXSCAN"); assert.gt(ixScans.length, 0, explain); ixScans.forEach((ixScan) => assert(ixScan.keyPattern.$_path)); // Expected bounds were used. if (expectedBounds !== undefined) { ixScans.forEach((ixScan) => assert.docEq(ixScan.indexBounds, expectedBounds)); } } // A $type of 'string' will match a string value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: "a"}, {a: {$type: "string"}}, true); // A $type of 'double' will match a double. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: 1.1}, {a: {$type: "double"}}, true); // A $type of 'boolean' will match a boolean. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: true}, {a: {$type: "bool"}}, true); // A $type of 'string' will match a multifield document with a string value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: "a", b: 1.1, c: true}, {a: {$type: "string"}}, true); // A compound $type of 'string' and 'double' will match a multifield document with a string and // double value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: "a", b: 1.1, c: true}, {a: {$type: "string"}, b: {$type: "double"}}, true); // A compound $type of 'string' and 'double' won't match a multifield document with a string but // no double value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: "a", b: "b", c: true}, {a: {$type: "string"}, b: {$type: "double"}}, false); // A $type of 'object' will match a object. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: {"": ""}}, {a: {$type: "object"}}, true, {$_path: [`["a", "a"]`, `["a.", "a/")`], a: [`[MinKey, MaxKey]`]}); // A $type of 'object' will match an empty object. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: {}}, {a: {$type: "object"}}, true, {$_path: [`["a", "a"]`, `["a.", "a/")`], a: [`[MinKey, MaxKey]`]}); // A $type of 'object' will match a nested object. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {b: {a: {}}}, {"b.a": {$type: "object"}}, true, {$_path: [`["b.a", "b.a"]`, `["b.a.", "b.a/")`], "b.a": [`[MinKey, MaxKey]`]}); // A $type of 'object' will match an array of objects with size 3. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: [{b: 2}, {c: 3}, {d: 4}]}, {$and: [{"a": {$type: 'object'}}, {"a": {$size: NumberLong("3")}}]}, true, {$_path: [`["a", "a"]`, `["a.", "a/")`], "a": [`[MinKey, MaxKey]`]}); // A conjunction of {$type: 'object'} and $eq should match the given object. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: {b: "foo"}}, {$and: [{"a": {$type: 'object'}}, {"a.b": "foo"}]}, true); // A $type of 'array' will match an empty array. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: [[]]}, {a: {$type: "array"}}, true, {$_path: [`["a", "a"]`, `["a.", "a/")`], a: [`[MinKey, MaxKey]`]}); // A $type of 'array' will match an array. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: [["c"]]}, {a: {$type: "array"}}, true, {$_path: [`["a", "a"]`, `["a.", "a/")`], a: [`[MinKey, MaxKey]`]}); // A $type of 'regex' will match regex. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: /r/}, {a: {$type: "regex"}}, true); // A $type of 'null' will match a null value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: null}, {a: {$type: "null"}}, true); // A $type of 'undefined' will match undefined. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: undefined}, {a: {$type: "undefined"}}, true); // A $type of 'undefined' won't match a null value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: null}, {a: {$type: "undefined"}}, false); // A $type of 'code' will match a function value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({ a: function() { var a = 0; } }, {a: {$type: "javascript"}}, true); // A $type of 'binData' will match a binData value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: new BinData(0, "")}, {a: {$type: "binData"}}, true); // A $type of 'timestamp' will match an empty timestamp value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: new Timestamp()}, {a: {$type: "timestamp"}}, true); // A $type of 'timestamp' will match a timestamp value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: new Timestamp(0x80008000, 0)}, {a: {$type: "timestamp"}}, true); // A $type of 'date' won't match a timestamp value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery( {a: new Timestamp(0x80008000, 0)}, {a: {$type: "date"}}, false); // A $type of 'date' will match a date value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: new Date()}, {a: {$type: "date"}}, true); // A $type of 'timestamp' won't match a date value. assertExpectedDocAnswersWildcardIndexQuery({a: new Date()}, {a: {$type: "timestamp"}}, false); })();