// Test covered index projection with $or clause, specifically in getMore // SERVER-4980 t = db.jstests_coveredIndex4; t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( { a:1 } ); t.ensureIndex( { b:1 } ); orClause = []; for( i = 0; i < 200; ++i ) { if ( i % 2 == 0 ) { t.save( { a:i } ); orClause.push( { a:i } ); } else { t.save( { b:i } ); orClause.push( { b:i } ); } } c = t.find( { $or:orClause }, { _id:0, a:1 } ); // No odd values of a were saved, so we should not see any in the results. while( c.hasNext() ) { o = c.next(); if ( o.a ) { assert.eq( 0, o.a % 2, 'unexpected result: ' + tojson( o ) ); } } c = t.find( { $or:orClause }, { _id:0, b:1 } ); // No even values of b were saved, so we should not see any in the results. while( c.hasNext() ) { o = c.next(); if ( o.b ) { assert.eq( 1, o.b % 2, 'unexpected result: ' + tojson( o ) ); } }