var coll = db.getCollection("covered_geo_2") coll.drop() coll.insert({_id : 1, loc1 : [ 5 , 5 ], type1 : "type1", loc2 : [ 5 , 5 ], type2 : 1}) coll.insert({_id : 2, loc1 : [ 6 , 6 ], type1 : "type2", loc2 : [ 5 , 5 ], type2 : 2}) coll.insert({_id : 3, loc1 : [ 7 , 7 ], type1 : "type3", loc2 : [ 5 , 5 ], type2 : 3}) coll.ensureIndex({loc1 : "2dsphere", type1 : 1}); coll.ensureIndex({type2: 1, loc2 : "2dsphere"}); var plan = coll.find({loc1 : {$nearSphere: [ 6 , 6 ]}}, {loc1:1, type1:1, _id:0}).hint({loc1:"2dsphere", type1:1}).explain(); assert.eq(false, plan.indexOnly, "geo.2.1 - indexOnly should be false on a non covered query") assert.neq(0, plan.nscannedObjects, "geo.2.1 - nscannedObjects should not be 0 for a non covered query") var plan = coll.find({loc1 : {$nearSphere: [ 6 , 6 ]}}, {type1:1, _id:0}).hint({loc1:"2dsphere", type1:1}).explain(); assert.eq(false, plan.indexOnly, "geo.2.2 - indexOnly should be false for a non covered query") assert.neq(0, plan.nscannedObjects, "geo.2.2 - nscannedObjects should not be 0 for a non covered query") // The test below should not be covered but is due to var plan = coll.find({type2 : {$lt:3}}, {type2:1, loc2:1, _id:0}).hint({type2: 1, loc2:"2dsphere"}).explain(); assert.eq(true, plan.indexOnly, "geo.2.3 - indexOnly should be false for a non covered query") assert.eq(0, plan.nscannedObjects, "geo.2.3 - nscannedObjects should notbe 0 for a non covered query") var plan = coll.find({type2 : {$lt:3}}, {type2:1, _id:0}).hint({type2:1, loc2:"2dsphere"}).explain(); assert.eq(true, plan.indexOnly, "geo.2.4 - indexOnly should be true for a covered query") assert.eq(0, plan.nscannedObjects, "geo.2.4 - nscannedObjects should be 0 for a covered query") print("all tests passed")