// Compound index covered query tests with sort var coll = db.getCollection("covered_sort_3") coll.drop() for (i=0;i<100;i++) { coll.insert({a:i, b:"strvar_"+(i%13), c:NumberInt(i%10)}) } coll.insert coll.ensureIndex({a:1,b:-1,c:1}) // Test no query, sort on all fields in index order var plan = coll.find({}, {b:1, c:1, _id:0}).sort({a:1,b:-1,c:1}).hint({a:1, b:-1, c:1}).explain() assert.eq(true, plan.indexOnly, "compound.1.1 - indexOnly should be true on covered query") assert.eq(0, plan.nscannedObjects, "compound.1.1 - nscannedObjects should be 0 for covered query") // Test range query, sort on subset of fields that in order different from index var plan = coll.find({a:{$gt:25,$lt:43}}, {a:1, c:1, _id:0}).sort({a:1, b:1, c:-1}).hint({a:1, b:-1, c:1}).explain() assert.eq(true, plan.indexOnly, "compound.1.2 - indexOnly should be true on covered query") // this should be 0 but is not due to bug https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-5019 assert.eq(17, plan.nscannedObjects, "compound.1.2 - nscannedObjects should be 0 for covered query") // Test range query, sort on subset of fields that in order different from index var plan = coll.find({a:{$gt:25,$lt:43}}, {a:1, c:1, _id:0}).sort({b:1, c:-1}).hint({a:1, b:-1, c:1}).explain() assert.eq(true, plan.indexOnly, "compound.1.3 - indexOnly should be true on covered query") // this should be 0 but is not due to bug https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-5019 assert.eq(17, plan.nscannedObjects, "compound.1.3 - nscannedObjects should be 0 for covered query") print ('all tests pass')