(function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/libs/optimizer_utils.js"); // For assertValueOnPlanPath. const t = db.cqf_value_elemMatch; t.drop(); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: [1, 2, 3]})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: []})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: [1]})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: [10]})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: 5})); assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: 6})); // Generate enough documents for index to be preferable. const nDocs = 400; for (let i = 0; i < nDocs; i++) { assert.commandWorked(t.insert({a: i + 10})); } assert.commandWorked(t.createIndex({a: 1})); { // Value elemMatch. Demonstrate we can use an index. const res = t.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$match: {a: {$elemMatch: {$gte: 5, $lte: 6}}}}]); assert.eq(2, res.executionStats.nReturned); assertValueOnPlanPath("IndexScan", res, "child.leftChild.child.nodeType"); } { const res = t.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$match: {a: {$elemMatch: {$lt: 11, $gt: 9}}}}]); assert.eq(1, res.executionStats.nReturned); assertValueOnPlanPath("IndexScan", res, "child.leftChild.child.nodeType"); } { // Contradiction. const res = t.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$match: {a: {$elemMatch: {$lt: 5, $gt: 6}}}}]); assert.eq(0, res.executionStats.nReturned); assertValueOnPlanPath("CoScan", res, "child.child.child.nodeType"); } }());