print("BEGIN currentop.js"); // test basic currentop functionality + querying of nested documents t = db.jstests_currentop t.drop(); for(i=0;i<100;i++) {{ "num": i }); } // Make sure data is written before we start reading it in parallel shells. db.getLastError(); print("count:" + t.count()); function ops(q) { printjson( db.currentOp().inprog ); return db.currentOp(q).inprog; } print("start shell"); // sleep for a second for each (of 100) documents; can be killed in between documents & test should complete before 100 seconds s1 = startParallelShell("db.jstests_currentop.count( { '$where': function() { sleep(1000); } } )"); print("sleep"); sleep(1000); print("inprog:"); printjson(db.currentOp().inprog) print() sleep(1); print("inprog:"); printjson(db.currentOp().inprog) print() // need to wait for read to start print("wait have some ops"); assert.soon( function(){ return ops( { "locks.^test": "r", "ns": "test.jstests_currentop" } ).length + ops({ "locks.^test": "R", "ns": "test.jstests_currentop" }).length >= 1; }, "have_some_ops"); print("ok"); s2 = startParallelShell( "db.jstests_currentop.update( { '$where': function() { sleep(150); } }, { 'num': 1 }, false, true ); db.getLastError()" ); o = []; function f() { o = ops({ "ns": "test.jstests_currentop" }); printjson(o); var writes = ops({ "locks.^test": "w", "ns": "test.jstests_currentop" }).length; var readops = ops({ "locks.^test": "r", "ns": "test.jstests_currentop" }); print("readops:"); printjson(readops); var reads = readops.length; print("total: " + o.length + " w: " + writes + " r:" + reads); return o.length > writes && o.length > reads; } print("go"); assert.soon( f, "f" ); // avoid waiting for the operations to complete (if soon succeeded) for(var i in o) { db.killOp(o[i].opid); } start = new Date(); s1(); s2(); // don't want to pass if timeout killed the js function assert( ( new Date() ) - start < 30000 );