/** * test to see if the count returned from the cursor is the number of objects that would be returned * * BUG 884 */ function testCursorCountVsArrLen(dbConn) { // uncomment when BUG 884 is fixed print("ed/db/cursor2.js:testCursorCountVsArrLen() - not run - BUG 884"); return; var coll = dbConn.ed_db_cursor2_ccvsal; coll.drop(); coll.save({ a: 1, b : 1}); coll.save({ a: 2, b : 1}); coll.save({ a: 3}); var fromCount = coll.find({}, {b:1}).count(); var fromArrLen = coll.find({}, {b:1}).toArray().length; assert(fromCount == fromArrLen, "count from cursor [" + fromCount + "] != count from arrlen [" + fromArrLen + "]"); } testCursorCountVsArrLen(db);