/** * Derived from test cases at https://github.com/mongodb/specifications */ (function() { var data = [ { "description": "[basx066] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "-00345678.5432", "expected": "-345678.5432" }, { "description": "[basx065] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "-0345678.5432", "expected": "-345678.5432" }, { "description": "[basx064] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "-345678.5432" }, {"description": "[basx041] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "-76"}, { "description": "[basx027] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-9.999" }, { "description": "[basx026] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-9.119" }, { "description": "[basx025] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-9.11" }, { "description": "[basx024] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-9.1" }, { "description": "[dqbsr531] negatives (Rounded)", "input": "-1.1111111111111111111111111111123450", "expected": "-1.111111111111111111111111111112345" }, { "description": "[basx022] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-1.0" }, { "description": "[basx021] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-1" }, {"description": "[basx601] Zeros", "input": "0.000000000", "expected": "0E-9"}, {"description": "[basx622] Zeros", "input": "-0.000000000", "expected": "-0E-9"}, {"description": "[basx602] Zeros", "input": "0.00000000", "expected": "0E-8"}, {"description": "[basx621] Zeros", "input": "-0.00000000", "expected": "-0E-8"}, {"description": "[basx603] Zeros", "input": "0.0000000", "expected": "0E-7"}, {"description": "[basx620] Zeros", "input": "-0.0000000", "expected": "-0E-7"}, {"description": "[basx604] Zeros", "input": "0.000000"}, {"description": "[basx619] Zeros", "input": "-0.000000"}, {"description": "[basx605] Zeros", "input": "0.00000"}, {"description": "[basx618] Zeros", "input": "-0.00000"}, {"description": "[basx680] Zeros", "input": "000000.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx606] Zeros", "input": "0.0000"}, {"description": "[basx617] Zeros", "input": "-0.0000"}, {"description": "[basx681] Zeros", "input": "00000.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx686] Zeros", "input": "+00000.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx687] Zeros", "input": "-00000.", "expected": "-0"}, { "description": "[basx019] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-00.00", "expected": "-0.00" }, {"description": "[basx607] Zeros", "input": "0.000"}, {"description": "[basx616] Zeros", "input": "-0.000"}, {"description": "[basx682] Zeros", "input": "0000.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx155] Numbers with E", "input": "0.000e+0", "expected": "0.000"}, {"description": "[basx130] Numbers with E", "input": "0.000E-1", "expected": "0.0000"}, { "description": "[basx290] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.000E-1", "expected": "-0.0000" }, {"description": "[basx131] Numbers with E", "input": "0.000E-2", "expected": "0.00000"}, { "description": "[basx291] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.000E-2", "expected": "-0.00000" }, {"description": "[basx132] Numbers with E", "input": "0.000E-3", "expected": "0.000000"}, { "description": "[basx292] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.000E-3", "expected": "-0.000000" }, {"description": "[basx133] Numbers with E", "input": "0.000E-4", "expected": "0E-7"}, { "description": "[basx293] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.000E-4", "expected": "-0E-7" }, {"description": "[basx608] Zeros", "input": "0.00"}, {"description": "[basx615] Zeros", "input": "-0.00"}, {"description": "[basx683] Zeros", "input": "000.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx630] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+0", "expected": "0.00"}, {"description": "[basx670] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-0", "expected": "0.00"}, {"description": "[basx631] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+1", "expected": "0.0"}, {"description": "[basx671] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-1", "expected": "0.000"}, {"description": "[basx134] Numbers with E", "input": "0.00E-2", "expected": "0.0000"}, { "description": "[basx294] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.00E-2", "expected": "-0.0000" }, {"description": "[basx632] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+2", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx672] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-2", "expected": "0.0000"}, {"description": "[basx135] Numbers with E", "input": "0.00E-3", "expected": "0.00000"}, { "description": "[basx295] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.00E-3", "expected": "-0.00000" }, {"description": "[basx633] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+3", "expected": "0E+1"}, {"description": "[basx673] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-3", "expected": "0.00000"}, {"description": "[basx136] Numbers with E", "input": "0.00E-4", "expected": "0.000000"}, {"description": "[basx674] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-4", "expected": "0.000000"}, {"description": "[basx634] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+4", "expected": "0E+2"}, {"description": "[basx137] Numbers with E", "input": "0.00E-5", "expected": "0E-7"}, {"description": "[basx635] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+5", "expected": "0E+3"}, {"description": "[basx675] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-5", "expected": "0E-7"}, {"description": "[basx636] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+6", "expected": "0E+4"}, {"description": "[basx676] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-6", "expected": "0E-8"}, {"description": "[basx637] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+7", "expected": "0E+5"}, {"description": "[basx677] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-7", "expected": "0E-9"}, {"description": "[basx638] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+8", "expected": "0E+6"}, {"description": "[basx678] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-8", "expected": "0E-10"}, {"description": "[basx149] Numbers with E", "input": "000E+9", "expected": "0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx639] Zeros", "input": "0.00E+9", "expected": "0E+7"}, {"description": "[basx679] Zeros", "input": "0.00E-9", "expected": "0E-11"}, { "description": "[basx063] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "+00345678.5432", "expected": "345678.5432" }, { "description": "[basx018] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-0.0" }, {"description": "[basx609] Zeros", "input": "0.0"}, {"description": "[basx614] Zeros", "input": "-0.0"}, {"description": "[basx684] Zeros", "input": "00.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx640] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+0", "expected": "0.0"}, {"description": "[basx660] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-0", "expected": "0.0"}, {"description": "[basx641] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+1", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx661] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-1", "expected": "0.00"}, { "description": "[basx296] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.0E-2", "expected": "-0.000" }, {"description": "[basx642] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+2", "expected": "0E+1"}, {"description": "[basx662] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-2", "expected": "0.000"}, { "description": "[basx297] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0.0E-3", "expected": "-0.0000" }, {"description": "[basx643] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+3", "expected": "0E+2"}, {"description": "[basx663] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-3", "expected": "0.0000"}, {"description": "[basx644] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+4", "expected": "0E+3"}, {"description": "[basx664] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-4", "expected": "0.00000"}, {"description": "[basx645] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+5", "expected": "0E+4"}, {"description": "[basx665] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-5", "expected": "0.000000"}, {"description": "[basx646] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+6", "expected": "0E+5"}, {"description": "[basx666] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-6", "expected": "0E-7"}, {"description": "[basx647] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+7", "expected": "0E+6"}, {"description": "[basx667] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-7", "expected": "0E-8"}, {"description": "[basx648] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+8", "expected": "0E+7"}, {"description": "[basx668] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-8", "expected": "0E-9"}, {"description": "[basx160] Numbers with E", "input": "00E+9", "expected": "0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx161] Numbers with E", "input": "00E-9", "expected": "0E-9"}, {"description": "[basx649] Zeros", "input": "0.0E+9", "expected": "0E+8"}, {"description": "[basx669] Zeros", "input": "0.0E-9", "expected": "0E-10"}, { "description": "[basx062] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "+0345678.5432", "expected": "345678.5432" }, { "description": "[basx001] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0" }, { "description": "[basx017] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "-0" }, {"description": "[basx611] Zeros", "input": "0.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx613] Zeros", "input": "-0.", "expected": "-0"}, {"description": "[basx685] Zeros", "input": "0.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx688] Zeros", "input": "+0.", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx689] Zeros", "input": "-0.", "expected": "-0"}, {"description": "[basx650] Zeros", "input": "0E+0", "expected": "0"}, {"description": "[basx651] Zeros", "input": "0E+1"}, { "description": "[basx298] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0E-2", "expected": "-0.00" }, {"description": "[basx652] Zeros", "input": "0E+2"}, { "description": "[basx299] some more negative zeros [systematic tests below]", "input": "-0E-3", "expected": "-0.000" }, {"description": "[basx653] Zeros", "input": "0E+3"}, {"description": "[basx654] Zeros", "input": "0E+4"}, {"description": "[basx655] Zeros", "input": "0E+5"}, {"description": "[basx656] Zeros", "input": "0E+6"}, {"description": "[basx657] Zeros", "input": "0E+7"}, {"description": "[basx658] Zeros", "input": "0E+8"}, {"description": "[basx138] Numbers with E", "input": "+0E+9", "expected": "0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx139] Numbers with E", "input": "-0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx144] Numbers with E", "input": "0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx154] Numbers with E", "input": "0E9", "expected": "0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx659] Zeros", "input": "0E+9"}, { "description": "[basx042] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "+12.76", "expected": "12.76" }, {"description": "[basx143] Numbers with E", "input": "+1E+009", "expected": "1E+9"}, { "description": "[basx061] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "+345678.5432", "expected": "345678.5432" }, { "description": "[basx036] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.0000000123456789", "expected": "1.23456789E-8" }, { "description": "[basx035] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.000000123456789", "expected": "1.23456789E-7" }, { "description": "[basx034] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.00000123456789" }, { "description": "[basx053] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "0.0000050" }, { "description": "[basx033] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.0000123456789" }, { "description": "[basx016] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.012" }, { "description": "[basx015] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.123" }, { "description": "[basx037] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.123456789012344" }, { "description": "[basx038] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "0.123456789012345" }, {"description": "[basx250] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265"}, {"description": "[basx257] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-0", "expected": "0.1265"}, {"description": "[basx256] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-1", "expected": "0.01265"}, {"description": "[basx258] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E+1", "expected": "1.265"}, {"description": "[basx251] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-20", "expected": "1.265E-21"}, {"description": "[basx263] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E+20", "expected": "1.265E+19"}, {"description": "[basx255] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-2", "expected": "0.001265"}, {"description": "[basx259] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E+2", "expected": "12.65"}, {"description": "[basx254] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-3", "expected": "0.0001265"}, {"description": "[basx260] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E+3", "expected": "126.5"}, {"description": "[basx253] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-4", "expected": "0.00001265"}, {"description": "[basx261] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E+4", "expected": "1265"}, {"description": "[basx252] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E-8", "expected": "1.265E-9"}, {"description": "[basx262] Numbers with E", "input": "0.1265E+8", "expected": "1.265E+7"}, {"description": "[basx159] Numbers with E", "input": "0.73e-7", "expected": "7.3E-8"}, { "description": "[basx004] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "1.00" }, { "description": "[basx003] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "1.0" }, { "description": "[basx002] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "1" }, {"description": "[basx148] Numbers with E", "input": "1E+009", "expected": "1E+9"}, {"description": "[basx153] Numbers with E", "input": "1E009", "expected": "1E+9"}, {"description": "[basx141] Numbers with E", "input": "1e+09", "expected": "1E+9"}, {"description": "[basx146] Numbers with E", "input": "1E+09", "expected": "1E+9"}, {"description": "[basx151] Numbers with E", "input": "1e09", "expected": "1E+9"}, {"description": "[basx142] Numbers with E", "input": "1E+90"}, {"description": "[basx147] Numbers with E", "input": "1e+90", "expected": "1E+90"}, {"description": "[basx152] Numbers with E", "input": "1E90", "expected": "1E+90"}, {"description": "[basx140] Numbers with E", "input": "1E+9"}, {"description": "[basx150] Numbers with E", "input": "1E9", "expected": "1E+9"}, { "description": "[basx014] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "1.234" }, {"description": "[basx170] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265"}, {"description": "[basx177] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-0", "expected": "1.265"}, {"description": "[basx176] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-1", "expected": "0.1265"}, {"description": "[basx178] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E+1", "expected": "12.65"}, {"description": "[basx171] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-20"}, {"description": "[basx183] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E+20"}, {"description": "[basx175] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-2", "expected": "0.01265"}, {"description": "[basx179] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E+2", "expected": "126.5"}, {"description": "[basx174] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-3", "expected": "0.001265"}, {"description": "[basx180] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E+3", "expected": "1265"}, {"description": "[basx173] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-4", "expected": "0.0001265"}, {"description": "[basx181] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E+4"}, {"description": "[basx172] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E-8"}, {"description": "[basx182] Numbers with E", "input": "1.265E+8"}, {"description": "[basx157] Numbers with E", "input": "4E+9"}, {"description": "[basx067] examples", "input": "5E-6", "expected": "0.000005"}, {"description": "[basx069] examples", "input": "5E-7"}, {"description": "[basx385] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E0", "expected": "7"}, {"description": "[basx365] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E10", "expected": "7E+10"}, {"description": "[basx405] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-10"}, {"description": "[basx363] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E11", "expected": "7E+11"}, {"description": "[basx407] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-11"}, {"description": "[basx361] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E12", "expected": "7E+12"}, {"description": "[basx409] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-12"}, {"description": "[basx411] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-13"}, {"description": "[basx383] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E1", "expected": "7E+1"}, {"description": "[basx387] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-1", "expected": "0.7"}, {"description": "[basx381] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E2", "expected": "7E+2"}, {"description": "[basx389] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-2", "expected": "0.07"}, {"description": "[basx379] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E3", "expected": "7E+3"}, {"description": "[basx391] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-3", "expected": "0.007"}, {"description": "[basx377] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E4", "expected": "7E+4"}, {"description": "[basx393] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-4", "expected": "0.0007"}, {"description": "[basx375] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E5", "expected": "7E+5"}, {"description": "[basx395] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-5", "expected": "0.00007"}, {"description": "[basx373] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E6", "expected": "7E+6"}, { "description": "[basx397] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-6", "expected": "0.000007" }, {"description": "[basx371] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E7", "expected": "7E+7"}, {"description": "[basx399] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-7"}, {"description": "[basx369] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E8", "expected": "7E+8"}, {"description": "[basx401] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-8"}, {"description": "[basx367] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E9", "expected": "7E+9"}, {"description": "[basx403] Engineering notation tests", "input": "7E-9"}, { "description": "[basx007] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10.0" }, { "description": "[basx005] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10" }, {"description": "[basx165] Numbers with E", "input": "10E+009", "expected": "1.0E+10"}, {"description": "[basx163] Numbers with E", "input": "10E+09", "expected": "1.0E+10"}, {"description": "[basx325] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e0", "expected": "10"}, { "description": "[basx305] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e10", "expected": "1.0E+11" }, { "description": "[basx345] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-10", "expected": "1.0E-9" }, { "description": "[basx303] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e11", "expected": "1.0E+12" }, { "description": "[basx347] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-11", "expected": "1.0E-10" }, { "description": "[basx301] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e12", "expected": "1.0E+13" }, { "description": "[basx349] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-12", "expected": "1.0E-11" }, { "description": "[basx351] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-13", "expected": "1.0E-12" }, {"description": "[basx323] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e1", "expected": "1.0E+2"}, {"description": "[basx327] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-1", "expected": "1.0"}, {"description": "[basx321] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e2", "expected": "1.0E+3"}, {"description": "[basx329] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-2", "expected": "0.10"}, {"description": "[basx319] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e3", "expected": "1.0E+4"}, {"description": "[basx331] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-3", "expected": "0.010"}, {"description": "[basx317] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e4", "expected": "1.0E+5"}, {"description": "[basx333] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-4", "expected": "0.0010"}, {"description": "[basx315] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e5", "expected": "1.0E+6"}, { "description": "[basx335] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-5", "expected": "0.00010" }, {"description": "[basx313] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e6", "expected": "1.0E+7"}, { "description": "[basx337] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-6", "expected": "0.000010" }, {"description": "[basx311] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e7", "expected": "1.0E+8"}, { "description": "[basx339] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-7", "expected": "0.0000010" }, {"description": "[basx309] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e8", "expected": "1.0E+9"}, {"description": "[basx341] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-8", "expected": "1.0E-7"}, {"description": "[basx164] Numbers with E", "input": "10e+90", "expected": "1.0E+91"}, {"description": "[basx162] Numbers with E", "input": "10E+9", "expected": "1.0E+10"}, {"description": "[basx307] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e9", "expected": "1.0E+10"}, {"description": "[basx343] Engineering notation tests", "input": "10e-9", "expected": "1.0E-8"}, { "description": "[basx008] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10.1" }, { "description": "[basx009] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10.4" }, { "description": "[basx010] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10.5" }, { "description": "[basx011] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10.6" }, { "description": "[basx012] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "10.9" }, { "description": "[basx013] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "11.0" }, {"description": "[basx040] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "12"}, {"description": "[basx190] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65"}, {"description": "[basx197] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-0", "expected": "12.65"}, {"description": "[basx196] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-1", "expected": "1.265"}, {"description": "[basx198] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E+1", "expected": "126.5"}, {"description": "[basx191] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-20", "expected": "1.265E-19"}, {"description": "[basx203] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E+20", "expected": "1.265E+21"}, {"description": "[basx195] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-2", "expected": "0.1265"}, {"description": "[basx199] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E+2", "expected": "1265"}, {"description": "[basx194] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-3", "expected": "0.01265"}, {"description": "[basx200] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E+3", "expected": "1.265E+4"}, {"description": "[basx193] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-4", "expected": "0.001265"}, {"description": "[basx201] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E+4", "expected": "1.265E+5"}, {"description": "[basx192] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E-8", "expected": "1.265E-7"}, {"description": "[basx202] Numbers with E", "input": "12.65E+8", "expected": "1.265E+9"}, { "description": "[basx044] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "012.76", "expected": "12.76" }, {"description": "[basx042] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "12.76"}, { "description": "[basx046] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "17.", "expected": "17" }, { "description": "[basx049] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "0044", "expected": "44" }, { "description": "[basx048] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "044", "expected": "44" }, {"description": "[basx158] Numbers with E", "input": "44E+9", "expected": "4.4E+10"}, {"description": "[basx068] examples", "input": "50E-7", "expected": "0.0000050"}, {"description": "[basx169] Numbers with E", "input": "100e+009", "expected": "1.00E+11"}, {"description": "[basx167] Numbers with E", "input": "100e+09", "expected": "1.00E+11"}, {"description": "[basx168] Numbers with E", "input": "100E+90", "expected": "1.00E+92"}, {"description": "[basx166] Numbers with E", "input": "100e+9", "expected": "1.00E+11"}, {"description": "[basx210] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5"}, {"description": "[basx217] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-0", "expected": "126.5"}, {"description": "[basx216] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-1", "expected": "12.65"}, {"description": "[basx218] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E+1", "expected": "1265"}, {"description": "[basx211] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-20", "expected": "1.265E-18"}, {"description": "[basx223] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E+20", "expected": "1.265E+22"}, {"description": "[basx215] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-2", "expected": "1.265"}, {"description": "[basx219] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E+2", "expected": "1.265E+4"}, {"description": "[basx214] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-3", "expected": "0.1265"}, {"description": "[basx220] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E+3", "expected": "1.265E+5"}, {"description": "[basx213] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-4", "expected": "0.01265"}, {"description": "[basx221] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E+4", "expected": "1.265E+6"}, {"description": "[basx212] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E-8", "expected": "0.000001265"}, {"description": "[basx222] Numbers with E", "input": "126.5E+8", "expected": "1.265E+10"}, { "description": "[basx006] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "1000" }, {"description": "[basx230] Numbers with E", "input": "1265"}, {"description": "[basx237] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-0", "expected": "1265"}, {"description": "[basx236] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-1", "expected": "126.5"}, {"description": "[basx238] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E+1", "expected": "1.265E+4"}, {"description": "[basx231] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-20", "expected": "1.265E-17"}, {"description": "[basx243] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E+20", "expected": "1.265E+23"}, {"description": "[basx235] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-2", "expected": "12.65"}, {"description": "[basx239] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E+2", "expected": "1.265E+5"}, {"description": "[basx234] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-3", "expected": "1.265"}, {"description": "[basx240] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E+3", "expected": "1.265E+6"}, {"description": "[basx233] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-4", "expected": "0.1265"}, {"description": "[basx241] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E+4", "expected": "1.265E+7"}, {"description": "[basx232] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E-8", "expected": "0.00001265"}, {"description": "[basx242] Numbers with E", "input": "1265E+8", "expected": "1.265E+11"}, { "description": "[basx060] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "345678.5432" }, { "description": "[basx059] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "0345678.54321", "expected": "345678.54321" }, { "description": "[basx058] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "345678.543210" }, { "description": "[basx057] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "2345678.543210" }, { "description": "[basx056] strings without E cannot generate E in result", "input": "12345678.543210" }, { "description": "[basx031] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "123456789.000000" }, { "description": "[basx030] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "123456789.123456" }, { "description": "[basx032] conform to rules and exponent will be in permitted range).", "input": "123456789123456" } ]; data.forEach(function(testCase) { print(`Test - ${testCase.description}`); var output = NumberDecimal(testCase.input).toString(); if (testCase.expected) { assert.eq(output, `NumberDecimal("${testCase.expected}")`); } else { assert.eq(output, `NumberDecimal("${testCase.input}")`); } }); }());