doIt = false; dbpath = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/diskfulltest"; files = listFiles( MongoRunner.dataDir ); for ( i in files ) { if ( files[ i ].name == dbpath ) { doIt = true; } } if ( !doIt ) { print( "path " + dbpath + " missing, skipping diskfull test" ); doIt = false; } if ( doIt ) { // Clear dbpath without removing and recreating diskfulltest directory, as resetDbpath does files = listFiles( dbpath ); files.forEach( function( x ) { removeFile( ) } ); port = allocatePorts( 1 )[ 0 ]; m = startMongoProgram( "mongod", "--port", port, "--dbpath", dbpath, "--nohttpinterface", "--bind_ip", "", '--nojournal' ); d = m.getDB( "diskfulltest" ); c = d.getCollection( "diskfulltest" ); { a: 6 } ); assert(d.getLastError().length ); printjson( d.getLastErrorObj() ); assert.soon( function() { { a : 6 } ); return rawMongoProgramOutput().match( /file allocation failure/ ); }, "didn't see 'file allocation failure'" ); { a: 6 } ); assert.eq(d.getLastError(), "Can't take a write lock while out of disk space"); // every following fail sleep( 3000 ); m2 = new Mongo( ); printjson( m2.getDBs() ); }