/** * Tests that --repair on WiredTiger correctly and gracefully handles corrupt metadata files. * This test should not run on debug builds because WiredTiger's diagnostic mode is enabled. * * @tags: [requires_wiredtiger] */ (function() { load('jstests/disk/libs/wt_file_helper.js'); const baseName = "wt_repair_corrupt_metadata"; const collName = "test"; const dbpath = MongoRunner.dataPath + baseName + "/"; /** * This test runs repair using a version of the WiredTiger.turtle file that has checkpoint * information before the collection was created. The turtle file contains checkpoint * information about the WiredTiger.wt file, so if these two files become out of sync, * WiredTiger will have to attempt a salvage operation on the .wt file and rebuild the .turtle * file. * * The expectation is that the metadata salvage will be successful, and that the collection will * be recreated with all of its data. */ let runTest = function(mongodOptions) { resetDbpath(dbpath); jsTestLog("Running test with args: " + tojson(mongodOptions)); const turtleFile = dbpath + "WiredTiger.turtle"; const turtleFileWithoutCollection = dbpath + "WiredTiger.turtle.1"; let mongod = startMongodOnExistingPath(dbpath, mongodOptions); // Force a checkpoint and make a copy of the turtle file. assert.commandWorked(mongod.getDB(baseName).adminCommand({fsync: 1})); jsTestLog("Making copy of metadata file before creating the collection: " + turtleFileWithoutCollection); copyFile(turtleFile, turtleFileWithoutCollection); let testColl = mongod.getDB(baseName)[collName]; assert.commandWorked(testColl.insert({a: 1})); // Force another checkpoint before a clean shutdown. assert.commandWorked(mongod.getDB(baseName).adminCommand({fsync: 1})); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); // Guarantee the turtle files changed between checkpoints. assert.neq(md5sumFile(turtleFileWithoutCollection), md5sumFile(turtleFile)); jsTestLog("Replacing metadata file with a version before the collection existed."); removeFile(turtleFile); copyFile(turtleFileWithoutCollection, turtleFile); // This test characterizes the current WiredTiger salvage behaviour, which may be subject to // change in the future. See SERVER-41667. assertRepairSucceeds(dbpath, mongod.port, mongodOptions); mongod = startMongodOnExistingPath(dbpath, mongodOptions); testColl = mongod.getDB(baseName)[collName]; // The collection exists despite using an older turtle file because salvage is able to find // the table in the WiredTiger.wt file. assert(testColl.exists()); // We can assert that the data exists because the salvage only took place on the metadata, // not the data. assert.eq(testColl.find({}).itcount(), 1); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); // Corrupt the .turtle file in a very specific way such that the log sequence numbers are // invalid. if (_isAddressSanitizerActive()) { jsTestLog("Skipping log file corruption because the address sanitizer is active."); return; } jsTestLog("Corrupting log file metadata"); let data = cat(turtleFile, true /* useBinaryMode */); let re = /checkpoint_lsn=\(([0-9,]+)\)/g; let newData = data.replace(re, "checkpoint_lsn=(1,2)"); print('writing data to new turtle file: \n' + newData); removeFile(turtleFile); writeFile(turtleFile, newData, true /* useBinaryMode */); assertRepairSucceeds(dbpath, mongod.port, mongodOptions); mongod = startMongodOnExistingPath(dbpath, mongodOptions); testColl = mongod.getDB(baseName)[collName]; // The collection exists despite using a salvaged turtle file because salvage is able to // find the table in the WiredTiger.wt file. assert(testColl.exists()); // We can assert that the data exists because the salvage only took place on the // metadata, not the data. assert.eq(testColl.find({}).itcount(), 1); MongoRunner.stopMongod(mongod); }; runTest({}); })();