/** Test running out of disk space with durability enabled. To set up the test, it's required to set up a small partition something like the following: sudo umount /data/db/diskfulltest/ rm -rf /data/db/diskfulltest mkdir -p /data/images dd bs=512 count=83968 if=/dev/zero of=/data/images/diskfulltest.img /sbin/mkfs.ext2 -m 0 -F /data/images/diskfulltest.img mkdir -p /data/db/diskfulltest mount -o loop /data/images/diskfulltest.img /data/db/diskfulltest */ startPath = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/diskfulltest"; recoverPath = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/dur_diskfull"; doIt = false; files = listFiles( MongoRunner.dataDir ); for ( i in files ) { if ( files[ i ].name == startPath ) { doIt = true; } } if ( !doIt ) { print( "path " + startPath + " missing, skipping diskfull test" ); doIt = false; } function checkNoJournalFiles(path, pass) { var files = listFiles(path); if (files.some(function (f) { return f.name.indexOf("prealloc") < 0; })) { if (pass == null) { // wait a bit longer for mongod to potentially finish if it is still running. sleep(10000); return checkNoJournalFiles(path, 1); } print("\n\n\n"); print("FAIL path:" + path); print("unexpected files:"); printjson(files); assert(false, "FAIL a journal/lsn file is present which is unexpected"); } } /** Clear dbpath without removing and recreating diskfulltest directory, as resetDbpath does */ function clear() { files = listFiles( startPath ); files.forEach( function( x ) { removeFile( x.name ) } ); } function log(str) { print(); if(str) print(testname+" step " + step++ + " " + str); else print(testname+" step " + step++); } function work() { log("work"); try { var d = conn.getDB("test"); var big = new Array( 5000 ).toString(); var bulk = d.foo.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); // This part of the test depends on the partition size used in the build env // Currently, unused, but with larger partitions insert enough documents here // to create a second db file for( i = 0; i < 1; ++i ) { bulk.insert({ _id: i, b: big }); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); } catch ( e ) { print( e ); raise( e ); } finally { log("endwork"); } } function verify() { log("verify"); var d = conn.getDB("test"); c = d.foo.count(); v = d.foo.validate(); // not much we can guarantee about the writes, just validate when possible if ( c != 0 && !v.valid ) { printjson( v ); print( c ); assert( v.valid ); assert.gt( c, 0 ); } } function runFirstMongodAndFillDisk() { log(); clear(); conn = startMongodNoReset("--port", 30001, "--dbpath", startPath, "--dur", "--smallfiles", "--durOptions", 8+64, "--noprealloc"); assert.throws( work, null, "no exception thrown when exceeding disk capacity" ); stopMongod( 30001 ); sleep(5000); } function runSecondMongdAndRecover() { // restart and recover log(); conn = startMongodNoReset("--port", 30003, "--dbpath", startPath, "--dur", "--smallfiles", "--durOptions", 8+64, "--noprealloc"); verify(); log("stop"); stopMongod(30003); // stopMongod seems to be asynchronous (hmmm) so we sleep here. sleep(5000); // at this point, after clean shutdown, there should be no journal files log("check no journal files"); checkNoJournalFiles(startPath + "/journal/"); log(); } function someWritesInJournal() { runFirstMongodAndFillDisk(); runSecondMongdAndRecover(); } function noWritesInJournal() { // It is too difficult to consistently trigger cases where there are no existing journal files due to lack of disk space, but // if we were to test this case we would need to manualy remove the lock file. // removeFile( startPath + "/mongod.lock" ); } if ( doIt ) { var testname = "dur_diskfull"; var step = 1; var conn = null; someWritesInJournal(); noWritesInJournal(); print(testname + " SUCCESS"); }