/* durability test dropping a database */ var debugging = false; var testname = "dropdb"; var step = 1; var conn = null; function checkNoJournalFiles(path, pass) { var files = listFiles(path); if (files.some(function(f) { return f.name.indexOf("prealloc") < 0; })) { if (pass == null) { // wait a bit longer for mongod to potentially finish if it is still running. sleep(10000); return checkNoJournalFiles(path, 1); } print("\n\n\n"); print("FAIL path:" + path); print("unexpected files:"); printjson(files); assert(false, "FAIL a journal/lsn file is present which is unexpected"); } } function runDiff(a, b) { function reSlash(s) { var x = s; if (_isWindows()) { while (1) { var y = x.replace('/', '\\'); if (y == x) break; x = y; } } return x; } a = reSlash(a); b = reSlash(b); print("diff " + a + " " + b); return run("diff", a, b); } function log(str) { if (str) print("\n" + testname + " step " + step++ + " " + str); else print("\n" + testname + " step " + step++); } // if you do inserts here, you will want to set _id. otherwise they won't match on different // runs so we can't do a binary diff of the resulting files to check they are consistent. function work() { log("work (add data, drop database)"); var e = conn.getDB("teste"); e.foo.insert({_id: 99}); var d = conn.getDB("test"); d.foo.insert({_id: 3, x: 22}); d.bar.insert({_id: 3, x: 22}); d.dropDatabase(); // assure writes applied in case we kill -9 on return from this function assert.writeOK(d.foo.insert({_id: 100}, {writeConcern: {fsync: 1}})); } function verify() { log("verify"); var d = conn.getDB("test"); var count = d.foo.count(); if (count != 1) { print("going to fail, test.foo.count() != 1 in verify()"); sleep(10000); // easier to read the output this way print("\n\n\ndropdb.js FAIL test.foo.count() should be 1 but is : " + count); print(d.foo.count() + "\n\n\n"); assert(false); } assert(d.foo.findOne()._id == 100, "100"); print("dropdb.js teste.foo.findOne:"); printjson(conn.getDB("teste").foo.findOne()); var teste = conn.getDB("teste"); var testecount = teste.foo.count(); if (testecount != 1) { print("going to fail, teste.foo.count() != 1 in verify()"); sleep(10000); // easier to read the output this way print("\n\n\ndropdb.js FAIL teste.foo.count() should be 1 but is : " + testecount); print("\n\n\n"); assert(false); } print("teste.foo.count() = " + teste.foo.count()); assert(teste.foo.findOne()._id == 99, "teste"); } if (debugging) { // mongod already running in debugger conn = db.getMongo(); work(); verify(); sleep(30000); quit(); } // directories var path1 = MongoRunner.dataPath + testname + "nodur"; var path2 = MongoRunner.dataPath + testname + "dur"; // non-durable version log("mongod nodur"); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: path1, nojournal: "", smallfiles: ""}); work(); verify(); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); // durable version log("mongod dur"); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({dbpath: path2, journal: "", smallfiles: "", journalOptions: 8}); work(); verify(); // kill the process hard log("kill 9"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn, 9, {allowedExitCode: MongoRunner.EXIT_SIGKILL}); // journal file should be present, and non-empty as we killed hard // we will force removal of a datafile to be sure we can recreate everything. removeFile(path2 + "/test.0"); // the trick above is only valid if journals haven't rotated out, and also if lsn isn't skipping removeFile(path2 + "/lsn"); log("restart and recover"); conn = MongoRunner.runMongod({ restart: true, cleanData: false, dbpath: path2, journal: "", smallfiles: "", journalOptions: 9 }); log("verify after recovery"); verify(); log("stop mongod"); MongoRunner.stopMongod(conn); sleep(5000); // at this point, after clean shutdown, there should be no journal files log("check no journal files"); checkNoJournalFiles(path2 + "/journal"); log("check data matches ns"); var diff = runDiff(path1 + "/test.ns", path2 + "/test.ns"); if (diff != "") { print("\n\n\nDIFFERS\n"); print(diff); } assert(diff == "", "error test.ns files differ"); log("check data matches .0"); diff = runDiff(path1 + "/test.0", path2 + "/test.0"); if (diff != "") { print("\n\n\nDIFFERS\n"); print(diff); } assert(diff == "", "error test.0 files differ"); log("check data matches done"); print(testname + " SUCCESS");