// Test that limit is applied by explain when there are both in order and out of order candidate // plans. SERVER-4150 t = db.jstests_explain9; t.drop(); t.ensureIndex( { a:1 } ); for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { t.save( { a:i, b:0 } ); } explain = t.find( { a:{ $gte:0 }, b:0 } ).sort( { a:1 } ).limit( 5 ).explain( true ); // Five results are expected, matching the limit spec. assert.eq( 5, explain.n ); explain.allPlans.forEach( function( x ) { // Five results are expected for the in order plan. if ( x.cursor == "BtreeCursor a_1" ) { assert.eq( 5, x.n ); } else { assert.gte( 5, x.n ); } } );