// Test that the MaxBytesToReturnToClientAtOnce limit is enforced. t = db.jstests_find9; t.drop(); big = new Array( 500000 ).toString(); for( i = 0; i < 20; ++i ) { t.save( { a:i, b:big } ); } // Check size limit with a simple query. assert.eq( 20, t.find( {}, { a:1 } ).objsLeftInBatch() ); // Projection resizes the result set. assert.gt( 20, t.find().objsLeftInBatch() ); // Check size limit on a query with an explicit batch size. assert.eq( 20, t.find( {}, { a:1 } ).batchSize( 30 ).objsLeftInBatch() ); assert.gt( 20, t.find().batchSize( 30 ).objsLeftInBatch() ); for( i = 0; i < 20; ++i ) { t.save( { a:i, b:big } ); } // Check size limit with get more. c = t.find().batchSize( 30 ); while( c.hasNext() ) { assert.gt( 20, c.objsLeftInBatch() ); c.next(); }