load( "jstests/libs/fts.js" ); t = db.text1; t.drop(); t.save( { _id : 1 , x : "az b c" } ); t.save( { _id : 2 , x : "az b" } ); t.save( { _id : 3 , x : "b c" } ); t.save( { _id : 4 , x : "b c d" } ); assert.eq(t.stats().userFlags, 0, "A new collection should not have power-of-2 storage allocation strategy"); t.ensureIndex( { x : "text" } ); assert.eq(t.stats().userFlags, 1, "Creating a text index on a collection should change the allocation strategy " + "to power-of-2."); assert.eq( [1,2,3,4] , queryIDS( t , "c az" ) , "A1" ); assert.eq( [4] , queryIDS( t , "d" ) , "A2" ); idx = db.system.indexes.findOne( { ns: t.getFullName(), "weights.x" : 1 } ) assert( idx.v >= 1, tojson( idx ) ) assert( idx.textIndexVersion >= 1, tojson( idx ) )